1111 The Truth of What it Means (How to Use It)

4 months ago

This video will show you the real meaning of 1111 and also gives tools as to how to apply it in your daily life. Transcript below...

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. On this video, I'll be sharing with you the real meaning of 1111 and understanding how you can use it in a very powerful way. I believe that this video can help you have more awareness around who you are, around what synchronicity is, and really taking the woo woo out of some of these ideas because we can understand it from a much more practical point, and as my main intention with this channel is is to give you guys practical tools you can relate to and you can also apply. With this, understand that what 1111 many times means to people is a sign of awakening.
"Let's first off understand that when we become aware that our thoughts, our beliefs, and our actions are creating the kind of experiences we have, we can see then that synchronicity of seeing 1111 over and over again is a part of that process because the more we focus on it, the more we will see it. You can use this in the same way to understand RRAS or the Reticular Activating System of the Brain. What I want to do is show you from this point of view because it really takes the woo woo out of it and it helps you understand it from a point of view that's very practical. The RAS in our brain is what we call our selective focus.
"Whatever we focus on, we will see patterns to and we will see more and more of it. If we see 1111 and we start to see a meaning in it, we start to give it meaning, there's a likelihood we could see it over and over again. The power of this is knowing that that is a natural byproduct of our focus and of that we create our own reality from the thoughts, the beliefs, and the actions that we are taking.
"What exactly do different numbers mean? This is where I want to take this video a step further, and I want to explain maybe something you haven't heard before about this, but I've said this before on the general idea that whatever meaning we put into anything is the meaning we get out of it. This doesn't take the power away, but it really gives you the power in knowing that you decide what it means based upon your own beliefs and based upon your own interpretation or perception. The power of this is knowing that once you become aware and you [inaudible 00:02:31] on that 1111 has to do with awakening, it's a very good sign that you are becoming more aware that you are creating your reality. You become more aware that the more you see these things, the more synchronicity you find in your life. It is a natural side effect of simply the way that things work. It's just that before, it was invisible from our perception because we weren't focused on it, and we weren't aware of this perspective and we weren't aware of this natural byproduct for the way things naturally work.
"When it comes to certain numbers that might be, like you go to certain hotels in certain countries, they'll be no floor 13 because there's a superstition around 13. Is 13 really an evil number? The idea behind it is that it's only evil if we give it that meaning. The idea of 13 is fundamentally neutral. Some people will see the number 666, and they will attain and attribute a negative definition upon that. Is it really a negative thing or is it something that we've given a negative definition to and, therefore, we may get a negative result out of it?
"The power of this whole video is knowing that you give the meanings to the things that happen in life, you give the meanings to what things mean to you, and that means that everything is fundamentally neutral, and if you give it a positive meaning, then you will get a positive effect. This means that it is a natural sign 1111 can be a sign of awakening if that's what we resonate with, and the more that we see it, the more that we know we are on our path. That is one way to look at it.
"The other way to look at it is that you're RAS, the Reticular Activating System in your brain is seeing it and then seeing patterns of it because it is attaining the meaning onto it and because it is focused on it. You could say that that takes the power away and makes it not as connected, but the idea behind it is knowing that that is practical, and that the meaning we give it is the meaning we get out of it. The meaning is and the power is within you and the meaning you give.
"I'm going to take this a step further and explain. I don't know if I'll edit this out, but this is the next layer of the way at least I perceive things is that there is a consciousness. We can call it collective consciousness. There are certain meanings that we have given to certain numbers, whether it be numerology or astrology, and based upon these-

This video is about 1111 The Truth of What it Means

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