Guided Meditation for Healing the Mind,Body, and Soul [Updated - 10 minutes]

1 year ago

This quided mindfulness meditation is for healing themind, body, and soul. It is an updated version of a pasthealing meditation with new pacing, ambient music,and a fresh new background imagery of the northernlights - also known as aurora borealis.

This gorgeous imagery is designed to invoke deephealing for your meditation practice. Feel a sense ofcalm and zen during this 10 minute session. This isgreat for a fast or quick meditation in the morning orat any time during the day. Feel a deep sense of lovefor yourself and others as you bring clarity to each day.Allow the soothing ambient music to make you feelfree of stress and anxiety. It takes just ten minutesand you will feel refreshed with a clear mind.

Sleep meditation music is a rumble channel where Istrive to create some of the most calming and relaxingonline guided meditations on rumble - I hope youfind them to be some of the best out there forself-help! Many videos are under 15 minutes. Some ofthe most popular topics are better sleep, morningsessions, 432hz healing frequency focus, self love,and healing anxiety. Some believe that meditation isespecially healing when there is a full moon!

Sleep meditation music and Relax and Sleep Journeyare for any spirituality, whether Christian, Buddhist,Non-religious, or any other belief system!

Please note that this content is for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to betaken as medical advice. Do not drive or operatemachinery while listening to this or any meditation session.

All dialogue and music is original by sleep meditation music. The beautiful video of nature and the woodshas been licensed by an awesome creator. Themeditating person image has also been licensed.Thank you to the Pond5 creators. Thank you also tomy wonderful Patreon supporters. And lastly, thankYOU for watching/listening and please subscribe!

Some words associated with this meditation videoinclude: best rumble meditation, calming, relaxing,soothing, zen, 432hz, healing, hope, cleanse, attractthe universe, aura cleanse, positive energy vibration,deep meditation, peace and light, miracles, grateful,mind boost, let go, deep sleep, positive perspectiveand mindset, healthy body, healing energy, good vibes,yoga, blocked energy, cleanse subconscious negativity,ambient healing music, inner wisdom, raise andcultivate positive energy.

#selflove #healing #mindfulness #meditation

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