FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT? 67th Prophetic Memoir 2nd-Series#29

6 months ago

Jesus said, "Greater works you shall do than these” (John14:12 NJKV)
Who is He talking to? To all those who will believe! All you have to do is believe. It seems like a small thing to do, to believe whatever He says to you. How do you believe? How do you do that? Do you have to fake it and just act like you have faith? Faith it till you make it happen?

Faith Received from G3D's Thoughts
I have asked myself the question, how can we believe if we have not first heard G3D. Well, to believe is not a whole lot different than the word 'faith'. In fact, faith and belief is the same word in Greek. It means to be convinced, persuaded, listening to G3D, which is the definition of faith and belief. Faith is something that happens to us not something we do.
We all need to learn how to "pray through." This means when you are praying for something, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and learn when to let go of your prayer. “Cast all your care unto the Lord” (1 Peter 5:7). If you will learn to do this then when you least expect it His thoughts will drop into your head seemingly out of nowhere as if to interrupt your thoughts; this is the Holy Spirit imparting faith into you.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).

Faith is not approaching your bible like it is a book of wishes then commanding the Holy Spirit to fetch what we are going to wish for and then expect Him to do it. No! Faith is what He gives us to believe. For this way will always work, if we will only stop thinking about it and just do it. If we use our own reasoning, we will always displease G3D when He has already told us what to do. To believe is more than just wanting something to happen; to believe is to do whatsoever He tells you; then it will happen. In your studies, this is what you will discover that without faith it's impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6).

How do You Get More Faith?
Everybody is trying to get more faith; in effect, what we are really saying is that we want to hear once again the voice of His Spirit to our spirit (Ref. Romans 8:16). I am here to tell you in order to get more faith you must go back to the last thing He said to you, do that and then He will speak to you again. All you need in order to have more faith is first accept what He says by faith, obey what He says and everything will be okay. Pray, hear and obey, that is all we are required to do.
“By first seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness then all the things you have need of will come to you by faith, which comes to you by hearing His voice. He will tell you how to receive whatever you have need of in this life” (Matthew 6:33). "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17 NKJV).

Angelic Enforcers of Spiritual Law
There are many spiritual laws that affect our lives, just as natural laws affect our physical world. We cannot see the law of gravity, but if we stand under a falling boulder, we will feel its full effect. Spiritual laws, when misused, can have the same aftermath as the law of physics. It does not take faith to cause spiritual laws to manifest in our presence.

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you" (John 15:7 NKJV).
This verse of scripture has a much deeper meaning than you may think. To "abide in Me" is to live in Christ and Him in you. And you are forbidden to meditate or touch anything that is not of Him. This part of the verse is not too difficult to understand, for anything of sin should not be let in. The next part of the verse has been misunderstood for a long time by many and needs further explanation; "and My words abide in you." Here is what most people think this part of the verse is saying if you stay away from sin and read your bible every day (or as often as possible), then you are abiding in His word. Therefore, their belief is that the promise in this verse "you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you" (John 15:7b) is automatically working for every believing Christian. And when it doesn't work in their life, they question their faith and the truth of the bible.
We must be willing to answer the call of the Holy Spirit and be willing to follow Him to the depths of our sanity. He will take you through various situations along this journey teaching you what His Words really mean. Whether it's the written word or spoken Word we must obtain understanding for this will increase our knowledge and with knowledge we will become much wiser.
The one thing that does differ is that spiritual laws are not controlled by time. The effects, good or bad, can come quickly or take years. On the other hand, nature's laws are time controlled and are more easily understood. This is why it is hard for some Christians to understand why a heathen can seemingly go unpunished. However, Scripture promises that judgment day will eventually come to all.

"Some men's sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later. Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden" (1 Timothy 5:24-25 NKJV).

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