12-24-2023 | Re-Incarnation (Mike McClung) | Lionheart Restoration Ministries

1 year ago

This Sunday, Mike McClung shared a message called, "Re-Incarnation." Far from the Hindu or Buddhist belief system, Mike's title on this Sunday referred to the very scriptural concept based in Col. 1:27, "Christ in us, the hope of glory." It is not us that is returning to live again, but Jesus Christ through us. Though He ascended to heaven after His resurrection, the seed of God is placed in everyone who receives Christ as their Lord and Savior, and that seed grows and bears the fruit of the Spirit. Also, the Lord promised in Matt. 18:20 that as we gather together corporately, He dwells in our midst. In this way, Jesus Christ is "re-incarnated" in His people, both individually and corporately.

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