Harvest Of Despair...

8 months ago

Harvest Of Despair...
In the year 1933, the place: was the Soviet Union. Behind the facade, food is being used as a weapon against people who have proven troublesome to Moscow. Famine is engineered deliberately, in the North Caucasus, The Volga Basin, and Ukraine. The Soviet Secret Police seal off Ukraine's borders. No one can get out or bring food in. A nation the size of France is strangled by hunger. In less than two years, 10 million people died. 7 million of them are in Ukraine, and 3 million of them are children. This is the untold story of the Bolsheviks, the Romanovs, the Kulaks, and the Holodomor - the greatest massacre of innocent lives in human history.
Harvest of Despair examines why this man-made famine remains so little known. Blinded by radical left-wing ideals, world statesmen, such as Edouard Herriot, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, and writers such as George Bernard Shaw, all contributed to the regime’s campaign of concealment. Even the democratic governments of the depression-hit West preferred to remain silent over Soviet Russia’s atrocities to continue import and export trade.
Stalin a Potted History. He was born Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili. Pawns in the Game - William Guy Carr. https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=carr&book=pawns&story=stalin
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Source: "proletarius64"
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