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December 12/2023
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December 24/ 2023
White Hats Military Arrest World Health Organization Official👨‍🔬🚨👨‍🚀🐝

United States Marines on Thursday arrested a World Health Organization (WHO) official who was in the U.S. to persuade the criminal Biden regime to adopt new social distancing, vaccination, and mask mandates to combat the alleged surge of the JN.1 Coronavirus strain, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The culprit, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General for the Division of Health Emergency Intelligence and Surveillance Systems, was smoking a cigarette outside the Westin Annapolis hotel in Annapolis, Maryland, when undercover Marines surrounded and informed him that he was being detained as an enemy combatant.

A flustered Ihekweazu rebuffed the Marines, saying he was in the U.S. on WHO business and had arranged to meet with the CDC’s Rapid Response Team after Christmas. His speech spiraled into a sprawling rant about how he, one of the world’s foremost health authorities, could not be detained because pResident Joseph R. Biden had granted him diplomatic immunity. When a Marine sergeant pulled out handcuffs, Ihekweazu became apoplectic with rage at the Marines. As he flicked his cig to the ground and started shouting, “Help! Someone help me,” a Marine doubled him over with a solid punch to the solar plexus. He gasped for breath while a Marine cuffed him and put a black sack over his head. The Marines then shoved him into an SUV and drove him to a processing center for interrogation.

“Ihekweazu was one of the worst COVID-19 perpetrators out there,” our source said, “and we had compelling cause to arrest him. One less Covid criminal at large.”

Before his arrest, Ihekweazu led the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, where he forcefully advocated for draconian COVID-19 enforcement programs such as medical Martial Law and vaccine passports.

On 14 December, Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command (MARFORCYBER) eavesdropped on a phone call between Ihekweazu and CDC Principal Deputy Director Nirav D Shah. On the call, Ihekweazu said he had vital clinical data on JN.1, which, he added, was sweeping through the United Kingdom and causing an unstoppable surge of deaths and hospitalizations. He told Shah he wanted to meet in person to discuss influencing the administration and other Western governments to insidiously reenact mandates and shutdowns without causing public hysteria.

“We share the same goal, Chikwe, but Americans are bilious pieces of shit. They won’t fall for lockdowns or vaccine mandates again. We’ve already tried gently seeding the idea looking at responses online, and the resistance is, umm, let’s just say heavy. We all have our own reasons for wanting to lock our countries down, but it will be a challenge, difficult.”

“I have solutions, my friend. We talk about this in person,” Ihekweazu replied.

Ihekweazu, our source said, gave Shah his complete itinerary before disconnecting the call.

“The dumb bastard shared his flight info, dates he was coming and leaving, and hotel info on the call. We figured he’d be an easy grab, and he was,” said our source.

Asked why the Marines didn’t wait until the meeting to grab both simultaneously, our source said, “They were going to meet at a public place where there’d be a lot of civilians around. We have Shah in our sights, and he’ll be in custody soon enough.”

In closing, he said Ihekweazu has been charged with conspiracy to harm American citizens, espionage against the United States, terrorism-related offenses, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, and will face a military tribunal.

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