MSNBC's Kirschner Stakes His Sanity on Supreme Court REFUSING to Hear Trump Immunity Appeal

6 months ago

First he wanted the Supreme Court to hear Trump's appeal on presidential immunity on an expedited basis. And now that they refused to hear it before it is reviewed by the DC appeals court, MSNBC's legal analyst Glenn Kirschner is DESPERATE that the Supreme Court NOT hear it at all.

Trump's legal strategy of delay, delay, DELAY... until after election day is a beautiful thing to watch. The Democrats, Media, and Deep State thought that by employing Lawfare against the President that would keep him from winning in November 2024. Instead President Trump has turned lemons into lemonade. The more Lawfare they throw at him the more popular he grows because it has become more than obvious who is REALLY trying to end Democracy as the liberals are charging against Trump. Now they are whining that the delaying tactics of Team Trump are unfair while overlooking the complete unfairness of Lawfare itself so the more Trump delays the better I like it. Among those most aggravated by Trump's successful delaying tactics is Kirschner. It is driving him so nuts that he now has to resort to fantasy. And his latest fantasy is that the Supreme Court will somehow REFUSE to take up the issue of presidential immunity after the DC appeals court predictably shoots it down. Yeah, he really believes that such a consequential appeal will be cut short by the Supreme Court refusing to even consider it. It's a wild wild hope but that is what poor Kirschner has latched onto to maintain his sanity.

Of course, the most obvious course of the Supreme Court taking up the appeal means that Kirschner's beloved March 4 J6 date will be DELAYED which is enough to cause him to be strapped down to the gurney. And if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump on presidential immunity thus DESTROYING Jack Smith's J6 case, then look for a thermonuclear implosion from Kirschner who will probably be so far gone as to necessitate the permanent institutionalization of him at his court appointed guardian's choice of Funny Farm.

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