Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe

4 months ago

Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe is a 1980 short documentary by Les Blank that captures the eccentric filmmaker Werner Herzog fulfilling a bet he made with his friend and fellow director Errol Morris. Herzog had promised to eat his own shoe if Morris ever completed his first film, Gates of Heaven, a documentary about pet cemeteries. Herzog not only cooked and ate his shoe at the premiere of Morris's film, but also gave a speech about the importance of making films that are not part of the "media garbage" that dominates the screen. The film is a humorous and insightful glimpse into the mind and personality of one of the most original and influential directors of our time. ¹²³⁴

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/24/2023
(1) Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Herzog_Eats_His_Shoe.
(2) Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (Short 1980) - IMDb. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081746/.
(3) The Bizarre Reason Werner Herzog Once Ate A Shoe - Mashed. https://www.mashed.com/670279/the-bizarre-reason-werner-herzog-once-ate-a-shoe/.
(4) When Werner Herzog Ate His Own Shoe | Mental Floss. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/81898/when-werner-herzog-ate-his-own-shoe.

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