Yuval Noah Harari: The Government Must Prepare For The 'Useless Class/Eater'

6 months ago

Yuval Noah Harari | Another God Hating Reprobate
The theory of the ‘useless eater’ is this: If one creates chaos and mayhem, then those who survive will be the cream, those worthy of life. The agencies of survival being strength, intelligence/cunning and luck. The elites who are manipulating things see themselves as the epitome of this credo, and have thus earned the right to launch this genocidal mayhem upon the rest of us.
It looks as if the first tremors are beginning now, and the beginning of the eruption is likely to be the debt implosion. We, as societies, are in so much debt, both personal and national that we can never pay it off. If interest rates were to rise just a few percent then many, many people would find themselves in a default situation. The real question here being: What will the consequences be?
Will the debts be written off? I doubt it; the consequence will be some sort of debt slavery. It will not be called that, of course, but people will become ‘property’ of some sort. Much like the communist doctrines of the kolkhoz (collective farm), ‘to each according to his needs’ is most wonderfully fuzzy and capable of gross manipulation.
The idea that each individual life matters is intrinsic to Christianity and is very much embedded in Western culture. Take away the Christian element, and we are left with a hotch-potch of competing and conflicting value systems, of which only the most ruthless will survive.
The communities where I grew up and around my country have been diluted and broken up prior to and over the 40 or so years of my lifetime.
At the heart of this breakup is the idea of welfare, where communal responsibility is removed from the community and centralized into a remote bureaucracy. Thus I no longer rely on my neighbors for mutual support, or for those non-physical benefits with which a community ‘spirit’ endows us, especially the feeling of belonging. the Western World is now full of isolated individuals who can no longer identify with their circumstances.
This isolation renders you a ‘useless eater’ not because you do not provide, but because you do not/cannot fight back.
They make cars cheaper in Nanking and Shanghai, more cheaply than in Detroit, so the people of Detroit are now ‘useless eaters’, and for Detroit read Baltimore, Cleveland and Ferguson. So where next?
The truth is that Black lives don’t matter, and White lives don’t matter either. What matters is that the ‘useless eaters’ are eliminated, but without threat to the elite itself. It’s that problem of corpse-disposal again, but if one can create the conditions where more ‘Blacks’ die than are born, then the black community dies too. So enter Planned Parenthood to facilitate exactly that. It seems that more black babies are aborted than actually live. Black lives do not always matter, apparently.
White communities too, see falling birth rates. It is just excruciatingly expensive to keep and educate children. Our food is now poisonous, our medicines are poisonous, our vaccines are poisonous and even our water appears to be laced with a cocktail of micturated estrogen and cocaine.
So who are the useless eaters?
The answer seems to be that they are anybody who can be killed without a comeback. There are now no individuals, and murder is a matter of moral relativity and social Darwinism.

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