Navid Mehdipour: The CCP is the head of a snake and needs to be removed!

6 months ago

12/19/2023【#AMFEST2023】 Persian-American Navid Mehdipour: The CCP is the head of a snake and needs to be removed! The CCP wants to deprive you of your identity as Chinese and wants to make you slaves. The Islamic regime in Iran, which is funded by the CCP, wants to do the same thing to the Iranian people. People need to wake up and say no to slavery!
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #Iran #MilesGuo
12/19/2023【#凤凰城烽火行动】伊朗裔美国人纳维德·迈赫迪普尔:中国共产党好比是一条蛇的头,需要被铲除! 中共想剥夺你们作为中国人的身份,想让你们成为奴隶。得到了中共资助的伊朗伊斯兰政权想对伊朗人民做同样的事。人们需要觉醒并对奴隶制说 “不”!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #伊朗 #郭文贵

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