Unlocking a Lean Body_ Changing Your Mindset for Healthier Eating

6 months ago

And so what I have been conditioned throughout my life and throughout my own experiences is the more that I eat those things the more fat that I gain And the less that I eat those things the more lean I get I think we can all agree that's probably what we've been conditioned to believe But if you change your thought patterns to say screw that that's not my truth And I think it's going to be a pretty long process But the first thing I've started to do with that is when I grab that piece of candy instead of feeling that immediate guilt about eating it and thinking like I'm just going to gain weight from eating this I have started to change those thoughts and those assumptions and saying Hey this is going to make me lean No matter what I eat it makes me feel good It nourishes my body and it makes me look good And you do that every time you eat anything Now it's kind of twofold with this one because one your thoughts are going to change that and it's just crazy because there are so many examples out there that show you that like this person can eat and drink and smoke and do whatever but they still look great They still feel great They're healthy And that's all because of their mindset And then the second side of that is that you'll naturally begin to start eating a little healthier just because you want to feel

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