WORLD TRADE CENTER NEVER SEEN BEFORE - 9/11 - StephenMcCaffrey64 - 2009

11 months ago

Uploaded by StephenMcCaffrey64 on May 16, 2009

"New images of the attack of the World Trade Center

Do not forget the innocent victims

Do not forget the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save the life of the others

Images inédites de l'attentat du World Trade Center

N'oubliez pas les victimes innocentes

N'oubliez pas les héros qui ont sacrifiés leur vies pour sauver la vie des autres"

If you appreciate the things I find then please consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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