Debating for Israel and the Jewish people in Naples, Fl 12/23/23 Ray

1 year ago

I did the best job I could do, with all the shouters and outright lies these protesters were saying, eventually it settled down and I could try to reason with some of them. The thing I see all the time is that they are totally ignorant of anything important, as I have said, they are paid well to participate in these types of gatherings. It really is formulated, funded and fomented by someone, and that someone way up at the top is Xi Jin Ping, but the CCP does have major organizers here in the US like BO, who we know has continually STUNK IT UP EVERYWHERE he shows his CCP complicit face. The lies and the liars WILL BE EXPOSED. AS sure as Proverbs 19:5 tells us, "A false witness WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED, and he who breaths lies will not escape. Naples, Florida 12/23/23

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