Calvin Robinson: UK Has a Massive Problem Which Are Mostly Caused by the CCP

1 year ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/19/2023 Cleric Calvin Robinson (X: @calvinrobinson): The CCP is infiltrating UK’s university, government, and harming our young people and undermining our culture by TikTok, but the UK government didn’t do anything about it and did the opposite instead. A lot of our politicians in our government are seeing how CCP did things and want to do things the same way, it’s even more dangerous than its direct threat.
#TakeDownCCP #NFSC
【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/19/2023 牧师卡尔文·罗宾逊 (X: @calvinrobinson):中共正渗透英国的大学、政府,并通过抖音伤害我们的年轻人和破坏我们的文化,但英国政府对此却无动于衷,甚至反其道而行。政府中的许多政客正在观摩中共的执政方式,并想将其照搬,这比中共的直接威胁更加危险。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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