Igniting & Fanning The Holy Flames Of Kundalini Is Exactly What The “ Authorities “ Do Not Want

8 months ago

“It doesn’t matter what anybody says or does. You must be an impeccable man yourself. The fight is right here in this chest. It takes all the time and all the energy we have to conquer the idiocy in us. And that’s what matters. The rest is of no importance. To be an impeccable warrior will give you vigor and youth and power. "

~ Don Juan Matus

“ The first principle of the art of stalking is that warriors choose their battleground. A warrior never goes into battle without knowing what the surroundings are.” Our daily lives are full of challenges, many of which we don’t select. They seem imposed upon us. Yet, we can live each day with awareness, which helps us know our surroundings. "

~ Don Juan Matus

“ To discard everything that is unnecessary is the second principle of the art of stalking.” We miss important elements in the battleground or are caught off guard unless we focus. Therefore, we discard unnecessary mental chatter and focus our attention on our surroundings. "

~ Don Juan Matus

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