The Omni-Layered Reality & Hidden Realms Of Existence, The Eagles Emanations, ETC

5 months ago

There are thousands of layers of reality that due to our habituation & conditioning, are no longer aware even exist. The multi layered human energy field is a prime example of this. Shamans, medicine men, brujo's, diableros, psychonauts, etc - have known for thousands of years that there exists a separate reality that operates along side the " normal " reality that we have learned to falsely believe is the one & only reality. This separate reality, a part of the total reality, is veiled by way of our senses & eyes being able to only interact with and see into the visible light spectrum. Lets discuss this very real dilemma, and ways to operate around the conditioning so that you too, just may be able to pierce the perceptual veil & witness the layers of reality that exist beyond the surface or the " obvious. "

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" Our familiarity with the world we perceive compels us to believe that we are surrounded by objects, existing by themselves and as themselves, just as we perceive them, whereas, in fact, there is no world of objects, but a universe of the Eagle’s emanations.” Don Juan Matus

“Something out there is affecting our senses. This is the part that is real. The unreal part is what our senses tell us is there. Take a mountain, for instance. Our senses tell us that it is an object. It has size, color, form. We even have categories of mountains, and they are downright accurate. Nothing wrong with that; the flaw is simply that it has never occurred to us that our senses play only a superficial role. Our senses perceive the way they do because a specific feature of our awareness forces them to do so.”
~ Don Juan Matus

“Seers say that we think there is a world of objects out there only because of our awareness. But what’s really out there are the Eagle’s emanations, fluid, forever in motion, and yet unchanged, eternal. . .The old seers, risking untold dangers, actually saw the indescribable force which is the source of all sentient beings. They called it the Eagle...They saw it is the Eagle who bestows awareness. The Eagle creates sentient beings so that they will live and enrich the awareness it gives them with life...They saw that the awareness of sentient beings flies away at the moment of death and floats like a luminous cotton puff right into the Eagle’s beak to be consumed. For the old seers that was the evidence that sentient beings live only to enrich the awareness that is the Eagle’s food."
~ Don Juan Matus

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