8 months ago


In this video we discuss how to go about treating dog pain naturally. I use T Relief Arnica & T Relief Pet Pain Arthritis. Both of these formulas can be bought for less than $20 and most health food stores carry it. You can find both of these formulas in the homeopathy section of sprouts farmers market, and they usually also have the bottles in the pet section of sprouts as well. In my opinion, both of these formulas are much safer than aspirin, and other analgesics for dogs such as tramadol.

I typically give luna 6-9 of the arnica tablets daily continent upon her pain level and activity level the day prior. I like to crush the tablets into a powder and mix it into either food or water, preferably water. If I give her the arthritis formula, I give her upwards of 4-5 tablets daily. The ingredients in both of the formulas are different, and which particular formula you use should be based on your dogs current condition.

T Relief has really opened my eyes to the real power of homeopathy. In fact, I have been giving pets these formulas for years now. Because of my success with these formulas, I even began to use homeopathy on myself. I found an immediate effect from homeopathy that lead to a deep fascination with it. It is my personal opinion that homeopathy is one of the most powerful healing modalities that we have access to, and it is something that more often than not, gets a bad wrap due to lack of information and a bias towards it that we develop based on irrational judgement. We have been conditioned to think that things like homeopathy are quackery because of how we learn to believe western medicine is the end all be all when it comes to achieving and maintaining health. I am not going to lie, at one point I felt that homeopathy was overrated and largely based on the power of placebo. It wasn't until I tried it on myself that I became a believer.

I was at sprouts one afternoon and I noticed at the end of one of the isles, they had a gigantic wicker basket full of free samples. " Take as many as you like " the sign said. It was full of homeopathy bags and boxes. Some of these samples were 30-60 day worth of a formula. I got excited and grabbed a bunch of them and went home eager to give them a try. 2 of the various boxes that I got were by a brand called Historical Remedies. One box was called Moon drops, the other was called Calm Drops. After trying the calm drops for less than 4 days I felt a total shift in my mentality and my stress levels. I found myself having deeply enthusiastic thoughts & feelings about the direction of my life, whereas prior, there was quite a bit of underlying stress and worry. I began to feel different inside my body, and more confident. As I continued to take the formula, these results grew larger. I still take both of these formulas to this day, based on how well they work. You can get these at Sprouts for $7.50 a box. DO NOT BUY THEM ON AMAZON. Lately they have been over $60 on Amazon. Buy them elsewhere. The only downside to these formulas is the added sugars. I wish they would opt for using something else. My fascination with homeopathy still burns strong today, and I continue to use it daily on myself.

Another homeopathy formula I would like to suggest to people is Siddha Formulas Mouth formula for dogs. In fact, this product worked so well for Luna that I have bought many of their other formulas, and have even started taking the human formulas on myself. Roughly 3 months or so ago, I noticed a gigantic mass of gum tissue growth that was surrounding one of Lunas canines. It was growing so large that it was beginning to engulf here tooth and grow over it. I knew damned well that if I were to take her to the vet, they would suggest that I have her knocked out with anesthetic, and have surgery to remove the gum tissue. To me, this is absolute insanity, as knocking a dog out at her age poses serious risks. Desperate on what to do, I happened to be shopping at sprouts and suddenly felt the urge to look down. To my surprise, there was a single bottle of Siddha Remedies Oral Health for dogs homeopathy spray. This formula also contains cell salts, and Bach flower essences. The bottle said " For toothache & decay, bleeding gums, & bad breath. "

I immediately bought the formula knowing I had no other options. I dreaded the idea of having to have her undergo surgery. If I was unable to get the tissue growing over her tooth to go away, she also would not be able to eat. After 5 days of spraying the siddha remedies oral health spray into Lunas mouth twice daily, the mass of tissue overtaking her canine had shrunk to a small hard mass of black blood. When I touched it, it fell off. THIS FORMULA WORKS MAGIC. Buy it here:

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