12/23/2023 Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI) #11 Interview with StellarRussia (Russian Military)

6 months ago

Transcript: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/33780

Ben provides updates on native XRP, XRPBANK, XRPBRIDGE, and other BANK/BRIDGE assets on Stellar. This is part 2 of 2 on this series. Part 1 is https://rumble.com/v3tp97g-1142023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-9-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html

He also confirmed that:
(1) Everything that is NOT Stellar is part of the psyop to bring it into Stellar, including XRP
(2) Dividends and Bridge Tax payouts will begin small and incrementally increase throughout 2024 so Q1 will have very little payout but by end Q4 we should be able to pay large bills + debt + make larger payments with it
(3) The RV is currently estimated to be closer to Q1 of 2025, not end of Q4 of 2024 (and DEFINITELY NOT Q1 of 2024!!)
(4) While the RV will instantly increase the price of metals and commodities, it will not be extreme figures, but the assets will continue to RV exponentially over the long game (10-15 years) so those thinking this is a 1-2 year ride and cash out early will only get short term rewards
(5) Those who do not swap their crypto assets into Stellar AFTER PBFT will completely lose access to them permanently

Interview #1:
Interview #2: https://rumble.com/v2drsmw-3182023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-2-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #3: https://rumble.com/v2esfxw-3252023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-3-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #4:
Interview #5:
Interview #6: https://rumble.com/v2w62eo-6242023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-6-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #7: https://rumble.com/v31uw8y-7232023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-7-interview-with-stellarrussia-russi.html
Interview #8:
Interview #9:
Interview #10: https://rumble.com/v3yw12d-11302023-quantum-stellar-initiative-qsi-10-interview-with-stellarrussia-rus.html

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Connect with QSI Global here:
Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative
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Official QSI Assets on Stellar ✅ QSI.xmint.io

These are the only legitimate QSFS developers that QSI works with as of December 23, 2023:
StellarRussia: https://t.me/stellarrussia
Lumendex: https://t.me/lumendexchannel
QAZEmpire23: https://t.me/QAZEmpire23
Tokens Foundation: https://t.me/TokensFound
White Hats Home: https://t.me/thewhitehatshome
BlackRock Hodlings: https://t.me/blackrockholdings
Project Overledger: https://t.me/projectoverledger
Stellar Project Integrity Audit: https://t.me/StellarSwitzerland
Stellardex: https://t.me/stellar_dex
Terra Genesis Innovations: https://t.me/TerraGenesisInnovations
Valkyrie Investments Crypto: https://t.me/Valkyrie_Investments_Crypto

These are the 2 developer launchpads:

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