Welcome to Frostvale! | Frosty the Snowhitman [Day 10]

1 year ago

Welcome to Day 10 of my 12 Days of Scares-Mas, Happy Holidays!

Let's play Frosty the Snowhitman, an indie horror game by LOLscrubs.

About the Game:
You are a resident of the fictional village of Frostvale. It is christmas eve and you invited your family over for dinner. However after they did not turn up you decide to leave into the dark, cold night and look for them, but be warned: An ancient folk lore tells a tale of a murderous snowman and tonight you may not be alone out there!

Frosty the Snowhitman is short first person single player horror game about mysterious murders in your hometown. The game is set in a christmas themed environment in the fictional village of Frostvale."

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Frosty the Snowhitman Download ⇝ https://jonnys-games.itch.io/tornuktu

[Face Cam Border] Image by FreePik ⇝ https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/gradient-frame-template-christmas-season-celebration_72513274.htm#query=christmas%20border%20transparent&position=16&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=71d68a83-0d7a-4e8d-bf10-e9feb42023ff

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