Social Media - Change of Names manipulation

1 year ago

In our previous video we showed how the Doublespeak lack of Contextis handled.

Changing Names is much simpler, both in terms of finding and manipulating, as
you are going to see. As always, we present a LIVE RECORDING of the example.

Clickable Links:

1. Doublespeak on Social Media -a hands-on guide

2. How to ESCAPE the Digital Services Act (DSA)

3. Biden wants to revoke 230

4. All the E2E encryption videos:

3. Website:

Why on Rumble? Keep reading.

#Encryption #Privacy #JFK #E2E #PeaceSpeech #Peace #media

YouTube/Google did NOT invent the CANCEL Culture - Lenin & Stalin did it for the USSR Gulag

The CANCEL Culture was not invented by Neo-Libs, or by Neo-Cons, or by Neo-Whatever, contrary to popular belief.
If you read the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature winner A.Solzhenitsyn and his "The Gulag Archipelago" you would know the famous quote:

There is a person, there is a problem.
The person is gone, the problem is gone.

Joseph Stalin, USSR General Secretary, 1930

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