The Primitive Swedish State: Nya Sverige in Delaware

1 year ago

A commentary on the history of Nya Sverige, a Swedish effort to colonize the Americas in the 17th Century.

This video is part of the Den Primitiva Svenska Staten (history of the Primitive Swedish State) series:


The former Swedish colonies in Africa were:

*Swedish Gold Coast (1650-1663; lost to Denmark and the Dutch) Including Cape Coast (1649-1663) consisting following settlements:
*Apollonia, present Benin: 1655-1657.
*Fort Christiansborg/Fort Frederiksborg, which became the capital, present Osu: 1652-1658
*Fort Batenstein, present Butri: 1649-1656.
*Fort Witsen, present Takoradi: 1653-1658.
*Carolusborg: April 1650-January/February 1658, December 10, 1660-April 22, 1663
American colonies

The former Swedish colonies in America:

*Guadeloupe (1813-1814; returned to France)
*Saint-Barthélemy (1784-1878; sold to France)
*New Sweden (1638-1655; lost to the Dutch)

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