Dr. Randy Tobler Show

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6:06am -
SCOTUS tells Jack Smith and the progressives that no one , NO ONE , even Jack Smith , is above the law
“Disinflation” last month according to one index—disinformation? Or the warning sign of looming recession
Border invasion continues unchecked. KJP blaming GOP. Agents overwhelmed. Checkpoints closed to free agents
Left calls Trump Hither for his poisoning the blood comments
6:25am - Zack Smith
7:06am - Tim Jones
7:25am – Steven Camarota-CIS.org-Welfare use by illegals
7:45am – Virginia Kruta, contributor to The Daily Wire. Dailywire.com
8:06am –
Break around :20
8:25am –Robert Spence learning from the great civilizations that had longevity…Greece, Rome, and Byzantine. Author of Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization, is the bestselling author of The History of Jihad, The Palestinian Delusion, and Did Muhammad Exist?. He led seminars for the FBI, the US Central Command, US Army Command and General Staff College, the Asymmetric Warfare Group, and the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).
Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

8:45am - Katie Fitzpatrick-From Colombo and Katie every day 2-3:45; What’s it like with Maeve at Christmas, stuffed DeSantis, Trump, Reagan dolls, or Nikki?
Show wrap-up

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