Why the Kennedys Remained Silent About the JFK/RFK Murders

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In this “Best of Strange Bedfellows” highlight from Episode 22 (original air date: Nov. 25, 2023) we talked to #JFK historian Jim DiEugenio on the 60th anniversary of the #JFKAssassination.

James DiEugenio is the editor of KennedysAndKing.com, and the author of five books about the assassinations of the 1960s. He wrote the screenplay for Oliver Stone’s “JFK Revisited” documentary series and is a co-author of the new book “Chokeholds: Proof There Was A Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination.”

A viewer from Ontario asked Jim, “why has the #Kennedy family remained silent all these years about any possibility of a #conspiracy in the murders of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy?”

We delve into that mystery, and talk about why 2024 presidential candidate #RFKJr reversed that trend when he became the first (and only) member of the #Kennedys to ask questions about what really happened to his father and his uncle.


PROGRAMMING NOTE: We are taking the month of December off from “Strange Bedfellows” for some family time during the holidays. Every Saturday night this month we will rebroadcast highlights from some of our favorite episodes of 2023 as a year-in-review (and what a crazy year it has been). New live episodes return starting January 6, 2024!

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