Amma Lu 15min clip from The Light of Shasta Homecoming conference Sept 2023

7 months ago

Amma Lu is a long-time mentor to healers. She offers all of her healing music and retreats on her website, Love Rising. She is a board member of the Medical Sound Association, an organization bringing healing sound to hospitals and homes. She shares her wisdom and teaches Sound Medicine through the Ray of Light Certification Program.

Amma Lu, together with Seth Hargett, are a Divine Couple, world renowned Sound Healers and Mentors of Spiritual Awakening. Together they assist in raising the collective vibration through Sacred Sound Ceremonies.

In their Sound Ceremonies, Amma Lu brings through Divine Source Energy with crystal bowls and her voice that Seth then grounds. Every Sound Ceremony opens us to the presence of infinite Love that is inherent in every being. Infinite Love is the force that miraculously heals, resolves karma and clears unconscious negative energies. It is the empowered Spirit we as a humanity are retuning too through our collective awakening. Amma Lu comes from a Filipino shamanic lineage and is gifted in Sight (clairvoyance) and Sound (Voice). A Mentor to many all over the world, she assists in the Sovereign Awakening to one's Divine Self. She is an Embodiment of the Divine Mother and carries a sacred responsibility in her expression that impacts the collective as a whole. This is why what she shares is in the realm of sound, telepathy and sometimes complete silence.
Amma Lu is on the board of the Medical Sound Association, an organization that is bringing Sound Medicine to the masses. Together with Seth, they teach the power of Love, true security and transcendental consciousness.

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