The Most Powerful Astral Projection Technique

4 months ago

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video what I'm going to be doing is a shorter version of a video that I did months ago. I did a video that was called "My Astral Projection Experience: The Most Effective Technique." In this video what I wanted to do is to give you the most powerful technique for astral projection in a shorter video that you can apply into your nightly routine to get yourself to an ability to be able to astral project tonight.
"Now just to summarize that whole video, basically I began to look into the idea of astral projection. After a couple times of trying, it happened for me. I had an experience where I left my body. I went over, through the vents in my roof, through over the roof, and then went from the house that I was living it in the time, which I live in Las Vegas. I was able to then see from an aerial point of view all the way to a familiar location that I went to, which is a Whole Foods that was in the middle of the strip of Las Vegas. I went down into that. I hung around for a while. Then eventually I tried moving things. When I started to do that, that's when I popped back and started to wake back up.
"I went through later that day, went back to that same Whole Foods, and saw very similar things that I saw in that experience. Now you can go to that video to get more detail on it. I go more in depth on it, but that's just the general idea of it. The effect or the technique that I use is what is called the rope technique. What I want to impact to you today is understanding the power of before you go to bed every single night.
"Now when we go to bed at night, what we are doing is we are shifting from a what is called a beta state, to an alpha state, to a theta state, to a delta state. Now, as we do that, we are having more ability to go deeper within ourselves. If we learn how to stay awake for the process of us going to sleep, what we can then begin to do is actually have an experience, instead of falling asleep, to actually get ourselves to a state of astral projection.
"Now a lot of times there might be an inclination to fall asleep. Now part of this is becoming aware of the whole process of going to sleep. What I want to give you is the process and the technique that you can use to get yourself to stay aware as you fall asleep, and also to tap more into the idea of having that visceral-type experience rather than it being just something that's so unrelatable.
"Now first off, what I suggest for this whole process is making it an easy way for you to believe that you can actually astral project. I've helped a lot of people understand more about astral projection. When it comes to this understanding, some people have a belief that it is something to be afraid of, that the whole idea of astral projection is something that has a little fear-based mentality in it. Begin to see it more so than you getting out of your body. See it more of you going deeper within yourself.
"When you start to view yourself as more of consciousness versus having to think that you are leaving your body and going to some distant place, you start to understand more of what's really happening. You are going deeper within yourself. You start to realize that who you are is deeper than just this one physical experience. When you have that point of view, it then becomes harder for you to actually experience the negative side effects of it, the negative beliefs about it of it being some scary what if you can't find your body, and all of these things. Realize that it is easy to astral project. Realize it's just a matter of shifting the focus. When we start to come at it from this point of view, it starts to get easier for it to actually happen.
"The part of this video that is going to be the technique is understanding the rope technique. It's one of the most common techniques that people use. To do this, all we simply have to do is lay down in our bed. What we can do is start to bring the awareness into our body. This allows us to start to become more present, take some of the energy out of the head, and then bring it into a more present state.
"What we can then focus on is the visualization process. Now visualization starts to become more powerful when we get to the deeper levels of brain wave activity. Closing our eyes, then we start to automatically go from a beta to an alpha state. Then the power is to visualize ourself pulling ourselves up a rope. Visualize yourself laying down on the bed. What you can begin to do is, over and over again, visualize yourself starting to pull up on this rope. Now you don't actually have to do the hand motions, but what you can do is close your eye...

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