Who Invented Holidays?

1 year ago

Holidays are an integral part of our life. Sometimes we celebrate them and do not even think about their meaning. But where did they come from? Why do some holidays have a fixed date, while the date of others changes every year? And what happens on these special days at all?

Watch in the video:
⭐ Why did people in ancient times attach great importance to the study of the planets of the solar system and the movements of the Sun and Moon?
⭐ The wheel of the year and major holidays.
⭐ What explains the coincidence of holidays in major religions?
⭐ Interesting facts about the oldest holidays on the planet.
⭐ What is the seasonal exacerbation of diseases?
⭐ Why do heavy thoughts and strange states come in autumn and winter?
⭐ What is the witches’ year?
⭐ Why is water used in many rituals of different religions?
⭐ How does water change its properties at Epiphany?
⭐ What is the connection of megalithic structures with astronomy?
⭐ How did the transformation of the holiday of Samhain to Halloween occur?
⭐ Why is Christ's Birth celebrated on the same day, while the date of His resurrection is constantly changing?
⭐ Why was Valentine's Day invented?
⭐ What is an energy pit?
⭐ What happens to a person during periods of remembering the dead?
⭐ Why are women revered in many religions only formally, but humiliated in reality?

The film was produced as part of the international research project Kaleidoscope of Facts for episode 31, "Scientific Evidence for God's Existence (Part IV)." You can watch its full version at this link:

🌍 The true history of humanity in the “Kaleidoscope of Facts” Project:

• Kaleidoscope of Facts

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