2000 Miles by The Pretenders ~ 2000 Miles is Years and the 2nd Coming of Christ is Soon Upon Us...

5 months ago

2000 Miles is a simple Metaphor used by Chrissie Hynde to obfuscate a Deeply Spiritual Song of Eternal Faith in Jesus Christ and His impending return to Mankind around the Turn of the Century...and once you remove this impediment, the entire Song falls simply and easily into place...

Chrissie's lyrics focus upon how Mankind has been sundered from Christ for 2,000 years Physically, and because MOST people in this Upside Down Reality literally have neither Innerstanding nor Belief in the Spiritual Realm, the Truth about the Life and Teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth are almost Now Forgotten, filled with Crass Lies by Institutions solely interested in Controlling our Lives thru Fear, Doubt and Confusion!

The lyrics to the Song are brilliant and reveal Chrissie, on just the Pretenders third album, as a Master Singer/Songwriter, with so many Cleverly and Timely written lines...

'The snow is falling down
Gets colder day by day
I miss you
The children were singing
He'll be back at Christmas time'

The Snow keeps Falling, which is Christ's Grace and Wisdom, and yet no one regards it anymore, thru the follow up line of, it's getting Colder, Day-by-Day, and thus we Miss Him more and more...' But our Children possess Wisdom, they can SEE thru Feelings, and they KNOW that He'll be Coming Home Soon, and as usual, our Children are Right, including that his 2nd Coming will be associated with His Time, which is the Mass of Christ, or Christmas Time...

The Second Verse is perhaps the most Beautiful in the Song, as it represents Chrissie's own Experiences with Christ and her Feeling upon this matter...

'In these frozen and silent nights
Sometimes in a dream, you appear
Outside under the purple sky
Diamonds in the snow sparkle
Our hearts were singing
It felt like Christmastime...'

And I have no doubt that Chrissie wrote these lines from her OWN Personal Experiences, where Christ came to her, likely thru her Meditation, as Outside under PURPLE SKIES, the Third Eye Chakra, which Illuminates thru Meditation and is represented Spiritually by the Color Purple, He came to her, the King of Kings, and likely revealed to her that He will be coming back to us, soon, during the Days of the Great Fall of Man, where we need to Go Within Ourselves to fully innerstand what is happening with both our Bodies and Minds during this 'Heavy' time of the Year...

As you follow the song, you will now be Abel to pickup the meanings of all of her Lines, and take Heart and Inspiration from this Deeply Personal Song, that indeed, Christ will Soon be returning to us, to Remind us of His True Purpose, which is to SHOW US THE WAY to God, and during these Sacred Days, He will Cast Down the False and Specious Temples of Religion and remind us that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN us, where God is only a Heartbeat away, simply between us and Him...

With Great Love and a Wish for Eternal Peace,
Your Friend, Charlie Freak

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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