TheDimChristmas LIVE: Merry Christmas!

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Christmas stream and maybe news.


h8yourst8 Supporter merry ho ho!

RonGreen1 TheDimChristmas. Does that mean no Christmas lights?

RonGreen1 If Santa brings Alex a train set, she will be AlexofAllTrains. 😂

MudderFetcher can we pour our Christmas Cheer yet?

h8yourst8 Supporter winky would make that dirty

RonGreen1 Peace Tea peach tea. I used to drink those.

MudderFetcher unsweet with a slice of lime is my fave

h8yourst8 Supporter kill white tea

JQuickDraw Supporter Merry Kwaanza

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Saturnalia

JQuickDraw Supporter Blessed Yule

Guyinroom83 Happy Sol Invictus

MudderFetcher if your tea is salty stop drinking

JQuickDraw Supporter I was listening to the ROTC audio podcast the other day, and suddenly they read a rumble chat from a Winky: "Boys have penises and girls have vaginas." lol

MudderFetcher lmfao

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Hello

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Literally nothing has happened

Guyinroom83 (I googled satanic holidays, and sol invictus is dec 25. Not sure what it means)

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Sol Invictus is the Unconquerable Sun

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Roman Holiday. Not satanic

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Pagan

Guyinroom83 it was listed on the satanic temple site

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Maybe they tried to co opt ir
thrasybulus Happy Festival of Saturn/Kronos father of Zeus.

Guyinroom83 yeah, probably trying to just claim it as an umbrella holiday
thrasybulus @FishmasBeef Have you contacted @SomeBitchIKnow yet???

RonGreen1 🚨 BREAKING NEWS 🚨 Seattle has record breaking 72nd homicide of the year.

Guyinroom83 but, hail Satan. Many abortions to all this holiday. Remember... Santa = Satan. Same letters.
thrasybulus @RG1 That is so Progressive of them.
Merry Chistmas

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Christmas*
thrasybulus Early Christian iconograghy utilized the fish.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ L is hard to contact sometimes. I literally just spent 4 days w her IRL and she doesnt respond to me

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I pass on ur msg if you want

Guyinroom83 merry christmas also btw (I would donate but I'm only getting coal this year)

Guyinroom83 I remember everyone had those christian fish on their cars years back
thrasybulus @Pawl Maybe four days with you is enough.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Agreed
thrasybulus Please not the 29th. I'm busy.
thrasybulus Propane and propane accessories.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I used to have a coal fireplace. It was awful. You had to shake down the ash 3 times a day and it was fkn loud

MudderFetcher my coal fireplace says Webber on it
thrasybulus Busy the 28th.

Guyinroom83 I'm busy the 29th also. In 2027.

Guyinroom83 just fyi
thrasybulus My schedule involves traveling to work a show the 28th-31st. Working late into the night Thu, Sat, & Sun.

Guyinroom83 thrasybulus is trying to establish an alibi

Guyinroom83 ok, your story is safe with us
thrasybulus Sorry Thu, Fri, and Sun.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Alabis

RonGreen1 Rumble is pulling out of Brazil, because they refuse to remove content the Brazilian government wants censored.

MudderFetcher Rumble did tell France to eat shit so it's not surprising

Guyinroom83 if I ever have to tell someone off, I have to have Douglas murray's voice/accent for it

RonGreen1 A fist pounding sand should be the rumble symbol.

MudderFetcher poor Chunky Yogurt

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Fkn what did piers just break into the convo?

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Hes the guy who wants to fk horses

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Is piers a hacker?

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ How the fk did he do that???
thrasybulus Douglas Murray shows up on Fox News a bunch in the states.
thrasybulus @AlexOfTradeSchool Which one of his books?
thrasybulus Murray has been an openly gay man for decades.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Gay men cum to him

MudderFetcher like the horses with Cenk
thrasybulus Nature vs Nuture.

Guyinroom83 they can go ahead and try that, but there's no way that 'stops' being gay

JQuickDraw Supporter @YourFriendPawl "to" doesn't seem like the right preposition there. Maybe "in" or "on" would make more sense. Or "over" if you're virile lad.

Guyinroom83 wherever it comes from, i dont think you can 'turn' straight

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Very good. You can be my editor on my next romance book JQuick

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Great stuff

MudderFetcher it's something like 60% of gay men were molested as children (might be 40%)

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I wonder if theres a connection

Guyinroom83 wow
thrasybulus What's the sexual trauma data on captainwinky's favorite L word?

RonGreen1 Childhood sexual abuse can have a lifetime impact on the victims.
thrasybulus Pituitary?

Guyinroom83 yeah. thats why i think most 'asexual' people now are faking it

Guyinroom83 im also offended bc it's queer now, not 'gay'.
thrasybulus G & Q are different letters in the alphabet soup of rainbowhood.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly asking probing questions like a doctor. She doesn't realize doctors now just throw a bunch of pill subscriptions at patients now.

Guyinroom83 no. it's 'queer'. gay and lesbian is hate speech.

Guyinroom83 also women aren't lesbians they are just men and should be trans'd.

RonGreen1 Girls who were abused will make themselves unattractive as a defense against further abuse.

Guyinroom83 question: if you're in france or brazil, could you just use a vpn and use rumble?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Queer" if I understand the modern parlance, means your biological sex does not match how you identify (gender). So gay people can be cis and straight people can be queer.

Guyinroom83 ah, nevermind
thrasybulus @RG1 Some do, some don't. Some become hypersexual.

Guyinroom83 @JQuick there's literally no definition. Look it up. There's no coherent definition

h8yourst8 Supporter i know what a vpl is

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm going on how the far left themselves describe the word.

Guyinroom83 and honestly I'm pretty sure 'queer' is being used instead of gay/lesbian. a lesbian comic said people were mad she says she's lesbian and not queer

Guyinroom83 @JQuick they have no coherent definition on the far left either

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, much like AIDS, it seems that the gay question involves multiple vectors. Some are born that way, some are "made," and it IS possible to change, at least behaviorally (see Lord Byron).
thrasybulus Standard with deviations.

h8yourst8 Supporter i acknowledge nothing!

Guyinroom83 i guess I used to assume most gay people weren't molested, maybe I was wrong

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 I've seen many different sources on the left define it the way I described it. If you're looking for a citable source like a dictionary or scientific study, I can't help you there.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex is for a free sexual marketplace, a sexual anarchist.

MudderFetcher I'm a dip

Guyinroom83 @JQuick what sources? Every time I looked it up, it was a different definition. it was usually framed as 'what does being queer mean to you'. queer is BS bc there's no definition.
thrasybulus Malthus will prove right someday. Just needs a technological regression.

JQuickDraw Supporter If the authoritarians win, they WILL lock things down so technology stagnates. They know this, so they argue based on their side winning.

RonGreen1 Change a few diapers before you decide to have children. See if that works for you.

Guyinroom83 im joking, but IMO yeah they wanna do away with gay/lesbian, and use 'queer'

Guyinroom83 pretty sure I heard that from Josh Slocum also

h8yourst8 Supporter encompassed in queer

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 I base it on my own watching of people talking. The meaning can be sussed out. It works with the "cis" tag, and I think the biggest divide on these words is a generational one.
thrasybulus "Remember the that's so gay" insult?

Guyinroom83 you guys haven't heard of the erasure of gay/lesbian?

Guyinroom83 bc of trans also

Guyinroom83 i also saw articles about the fact that gay/lesbian bars and clubs kinda don't exist now, or are overrun by trans

JQuickDraw Supporter There's actually a recent interview/debate with Douglass Murray and a young gay man. The other man calls him "queer" and he says something like "I'm not queer, you stupid sod!"

Guyinroom83 yeah, that's what I mean. I'm no expert but just keep hearing that from non woke gay/lesbian commentators

Guyinroom83 i think alex is right they just have a lot of infighting about it

MudderFetcher "Hello Little Penis" is the name of Beverly's new album
thrasybulus Remember when transing the gay away was just something they did in Iran?

Guyinroom83 'queer' IMO is being used now as a replacement, bc it's way easier to get people to say they might be gay (queer) imo. even if you're not attracted that way just say you're 'queer' to be an ally

MudderFetcher I do love a good lesbian schism
thrasybulus Why won't you take the lesbian penis you transphobe?

JQuickDraw Supporter One of the biggest schisms in the LBTQ community is the far far left faction trying in recent years to add "MAPs" to the acronym and the flag. There's a huge fight over this.
thrasybulus There are statistically fewer lesbians than gay men.

Guyinroom83 they're talking about adding SS to the acronym (scissor sisters)

JQuickDraw Supporter They need to inject (haha) new terms into the culture. Instead of saying "okay" they should start saying "oh-gay." This will make people accept them. They should be paying me for my ideas. Seriously.

TunedToKey "I wouldn't mind P in there now" - Beverly

thrasybulus We have not talked about what Trudeau always uses first, 2 Spirited.

JQuickDraw Supporter I am partial to dragon-kin

Guyinroom83 lol. yep... we all know what Erl really meant by "P"

Guyinroom83 she's a MAP ally

TunedToKey 2 spirited?

h8yourst8 Supporter give us the lesbian data

TunedToKey You said mental illness wrong

RonGreen1 I thought pansexual was an attraction to fried food.
thrasybulus There's a joke about trysexuals, they will try anything.
thrasybulus "What's the sexual trauma data on captainwinky's favorite L word?"
thrasybulus Sappho of Lesbos.

Guyinroom83 the obsession with labels is exhausting

Guyinroom83 ohh that's right. queer theory. ive seen 'queering the therapy practice' also

Guyinroom83 ya faakin qweeah

Guyinroom83 queer sounds best in a boston accent
thrasybulus Commie codewords.

Guyinroom83 'build back queerer'

Guyinroom83 - biden 2024

RonGreen1 We were having a gay old time, but then something rather queer happened. - Old English

MudderFetcher Merry Queermas!

JQuickDraw Supporter 2 spirit is for native americans, because some believed they shared bodies with multiple souls.

h8yourst8 Supporter beverly is a gender boomer

MudderFetcher please participate in my mental illness

MudderFetcher "Unclear Penists" is the name of my new album

TunedToKey How do you know if someone is a vegan? DONT WORRY, they will tell ya

JQuickDraw Supporter You can also spot a vegan by their gaunt, Christian-Bale-in-the-Machinist" physical look.

TunedToKey I only share that groundhog gif saying Bev because it is funny. I don't actually call you Bev
thrasybulus Vegan - noun, Person who can't hunt, fish, trap, or scavenge.

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm a try-hard sexual.

MudderFetcher lmfao

JQuickDraw Supporter Vegan - n., person who eats what food eats

MudderFetcher half-a-snort

TunedToKey "Snorts"

MudderFetcher We love you dearly don't have to say it back
thrasybulus Beverly's new name is @TheGays.

RonGreen1 Range fed vegans. Available soon in a market near you.

Guyinroom83 you should feign outrage about being assumed as a male

JQuickDraw Supporter I prefer my vegans kept in a pen, fed a high fat diet. It makes them tender.
thrasybulus Orgasnort sounds like a Hunter Biden hotel suite checklist.

MudderFetcher Beverly has also been assumed Hispanic

Guyinroom83 i did assume whiteness of Erl

Guyinroom83 queer-racial

MudderFetcher are Filipinos the Mexicans of Asia?

JQuickDraw Supporter You need to start wearing a sombrero on the streams. People will be afraid to say anything because they assume you're Mexican.

MudderFetcher Vivek gives me Obama vibes

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, Vivek doesn't intend to use hydrochloric acid to reduce the size of government.

Guyinroom83 the Unbearable Whiteness of Erl-ing
thrasybulus Make tortillas on your thigh live on stream Mexican style.
thrasybulus You can work 10 years as President.

MudderFetcher too slick by half

JQuickDraw Supporter I want to believe he's not a RINO. He says a lot of good things. But I am old enough to remember Bush on the campaign trail, talking about "No nation building."

RonGreen1 Vivek has a head just like Obama. They must be related.

MudderFetcher early Ted Cruz is what Vivek reminds me of...hope I'm wrong
thrasybulus He's not winning the nomination.

RonGreen1 Would you buy a used car from this Vivek guy?
thrasybulus I'd be surprised if he wins a state.

JQuickDraw Supporter It depends if the DNC is able to eliminate Trump.
thrasybulus He's more internet talking points. Not a surprise given his age.

MudderFetcher what? BOTH parties are full of kid-fucking lizard people? Sounds like a conspiracy theory

RonGreen1 True. Alex nailed it.

JQuickDraw Supporter The left is at the stage in their TDS, with the election looming and all their efforts having the opposite effect, where they're throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks.
thrasybulus Colo state R party chair is trying to get dispensation from RNC to switch to a caucus, but time is short and they don't have any experience running one.
thrasybulus Bush was running the 2000 election on a center-right, peacetime, position.

JQuickDraw Supporter Vivek is positioning himself like Ron Paul, more libertarian than republican, but using the republican platform because of its size.

JQuickDraw Supporter One thing to keep in mind, Vivek is very young, relative to the other candidates. He has a sharp mind and a lot of energy. it's actually a little disturbing after 4 years of Biden.

RonGreen1 The Bush family has been involved in every war since WW1.

JQuickDraw Supporter Gen Z boys/men are shifting to the right politically. And really, the biggest problematic demographic is single white liberal women. The DNC would win NO elections with them.

JQuickDraw Supporter *without them
thrasybulus @RG1 That's not odd given the draft for WW1, 2, Korea, Vietnam.

MudderFetcher Crenshaw and Cruz...both assholes from Texas...thanks gusy

RonGreen1 To clarify, the Bush family has been financially involved in every war.

MudderFetcher Kari Lake seems like a logical VP pick for Trump

Guyinroom83 I just don't trust Vivek yet I don't get a genuine feeling from him

Guyinroom83 In all seriousness, I think the dnc will break laws to stop trump this time and it will be total chaos leading up to election
thrasybulus Like last time.

JQuickDraw Supporter Except Ron Paul. You can trust Ron Paul.

MudderFetcher *takes notes* Do NOT trust politicians

Guyinroom83 Yeah, but I'm saying that I could see him changing like Crenshaw etc

RonGreen1 I would not be surprised if polling places were torched during the 2024 election.

Guyinroom83 It'll be worse than that imo

MudderFetcher Beverly for President. We shot too low with VP.
thrasybulus Murder Goose 2028

RonGreen1 Trump is polling high with the goose vote.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's campaign poster - She's dressed in a sharp business suit, holding a large jug of hydrochloric acid, with the words "Burn Baby Burn!"

Guyinroom83 Death by goose
thrasybulus Jack Smith - the Special Counsel

Guyinroom83 Erl will change into a goose form, and become one like the penguin

MudderFetcher this decision pushing the DC trial until after the election is my understanding

JQuickDraw Supporter Well it's about time they did the hard science to figure this out.

JQuickDraw Supporter Like Mick said to Rocky, "Women weaken legs."
thrasybulus The Study was performed by the Department of Transphobic Exercise Sciences.

Guyinroom83 Study shows that white people have a lighter skin tone than African americans

JQuickDraw Supporter Caltech new finding: Water is wet.

Guyinroom83 Ninebinary

MudderFetcher I'm a non-berry athlete

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm a Booberry athlete. I don't win much, cuz I eat a lot of cereal.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex as secretary of interior, because of vagina facts, ba-dum-tiss

RonGreen1 AlexofAllTrains, Secretary of Transportation.
thrasybulus Neinbinary auf deutsch.

JQuickDraw Supporter I use Libre Office, so ha

Guyinroom83 Ooh. I'll have to look that up but you can also just use Google docs and open word docs

JQuickDraw Supporter The only program I can't completely give up for open source alternatives is Photoshop. I can use GIMP and Krita for most stuff now, but sometimes I need the industry standard big boy.

Guyinroom83 Good, I was looking for a cheaper alternative

Guyinroom83 Yeah, I use gimp. I don't like it but just use it

JQuickDraw Supporter I pronounce it "Lee-Bray"

Guyinroom83 I refuse to subscribe just to edit photos

JQuickDraw Supporter I've used Photoshop since it was first created, so I have a soft spot for it. Yes, I am sentimental over software. Fight me.

MudderFetcher buttons will be pressed

Guyinroom83 I recently watched a Biden fall from July that I missed. He fell and then pointed to some bag on the stage to blame it on that
thrasybulus Standby with lubrication.

JQuickDraw Supporter WINE

MudderFetcher Windows 12 is moving towards AI as the Start Menu

JQuickDraw Supporter It's a virtual machine program for Linux

MudderFetcher Adobe seemingly hates linux

Guyinroom83 Adobe is a scam. You should be able to just buy each program and not pay forever for it

JQuickDraw Supporter The user base on linux, at least in the past, did not warrant Adobe making the effort to port their software to the platform. That may be changing now.

purpletiger69 Don't use OpenOffice it is not actively developed like Libreoffice

JQuickDraw Supporter The future is renting. It's called Saas, Software as a Service.

purpletiger69 LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice and is more seriously developed. Another good alternative is OnlyOffice to Microsoft Office

purpletiger69 Hello

JQuickDraw Supporter I tried OpenOffice and did not like it. So I went with Libre.
thrasybulus Where's the money, hardware or software?

JQuickDraw Supporter Krita's menu system is similar to Photoshop's. GIMP is closer to the overall capabilities, but has a steeper learning curve.

purpletiger69 Davinci Resolve works on Linux but it is best if you have an Nvidia card on Linux

purpletiger69 I Love Linux it is all I use I run Debian

MudderFetcher Steam is kinda better on linux

purpletiger69 Steam runs nice on Linux

JQuickDraw Supporter I've used Fedora, Ubuntu, Manjaro, and now I'm on Mint.

Guyinroom83 What steam games do you even play Erl, ya poser

MudderFetcher at least their version of Arch

purpletiger69 You dont have to rebuy you have to redownload

JQuickDraw Supporter It's been interesting learning the Linux command line. It reminds me of when I was very young, using the command line in DOS.

Guyinroom83 Fuck renting
thrasybulus Does Libreoffice have a pdf reader?

purpletiger69 ProtonDB is a great resource for for Linux gaming

Guyinroom83 Adobe must be pro WEF

Guyinroom83 rent everything and be happy

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Libre Office Draw opens pdfs.

purpletiger69 Debian is a distro like Fedora Ubuntu etc a good resource for distros is

JQuickDraw Supporter PDF is an atrocious document format. It's clunky and a security nightmare, a massive attack vector for bad actors.

purpletiger69 Heroic games launcher allows you torun epic games without the epic store app it is availabel for windows too

purpletiger69 heroic games launcher is available on Linux

Guyinroom83 Can anyone get these free epic games?

JQuickDraw Supporter I played GTA with God codes, and just went around the world on my glowing motorcycle, blowing shit up. I almost did a 911 when I stole an airliner, but it ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean.

purpletiger69 yes anyone can I get them

MudderFetcher Herioic is for linux

purpletiger69 heroic is for windows too

Guyinroom83 So is it like when gog gives away games?

Guyinroom83 I have a bunch of those free gog games I haven't even tried

MudderFetcher Adobe hates Linux

purpletiger69 No ADobe is a bunch of Aholes

JQuickDraw Supporter You can't view PDFs with Acrobat Reader on Linux. You need to use a different program for that.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Epic gives a free game every week.

JQuickDraw Supporter Distro = Distribution

purpletiger69 distro is distribution

purpletiger69 for Alex
thrasybulus It's Jen Psaki, so we can circle back to it.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Twat Time" sounds like a come-on. Girlfriend walks into kitchen, "Hey babe, ready for some twat time?"
thrasybulus And disclude abortion.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I already downloaded and installed it.

JQuickDraw Supporter The left is clinically psychotic. They simultaneously hate and fear cops, and want cops to be the only ones with guns.

MudderFetcher Mother Goose!
thrasybulus That's why @AlexNeedsAPoolBoy.

RonGreen1 There was a guy in Las Vegas that pulled out his gun during a shooting, and was shot by the girlfriend, that he didn't know was with the shooter.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wait, is this the crazy woman who lost her shit over the guy at the airport who made the dad joke?

MudderFetcher gonna float an idea here....Sairo is retarded

Guyinroom83 we all know that only white men abuse women
thrasybulus Reply to her: Lefties are the problem. Thanks for pointing that out.

MudderFetcher Current Year Pierces is also hot

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah she looks pretty amazing in that second photo, for her age.
thrasybulus Bustiers for anniversary.

Guyinroom83 never get married. one of you may age. or even, both God forbid
thrasybulus Hot for 40 and hot for 60 are two different standards.
thrasybulus What census box do you tick?

JQuickDraw Supporter This is a boomer take. No analysis or probing into the problem, just a jingoistic facile diagnosis.

RonGreen1 Maybe they're not dating, because they like to go fishing. I see no problem there.

Guyinroom83 exactly

Guyinroom83 same arguments people always used against gaming
thrasybulus Internet speeds are way better for porn than twenty years ago as well.

Guyinroom83 yeah, dating is now transactional. but it's on both sexes

JQuickDraw Supporter Everything is transactional. It's the nature of human interaction.

RonGreen1 Who wants to date a girl that wears spandex, doc martens combat boots, and has green hair. Women have changed.

Guyinroom83 more transactional, then
thrasybulus These boys are too young to know that the # in #MeToo is a pound sign not a hashtag.

RonGreen1 And someone needs to tell these women that earrings go in the ear, not on nose or on the lip.

JQuickDraw Supporter Modern feminism are like fundamentalist religious zealots. They only want to be approached in certain places at certain times, and beyond that men should avoid them.

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't mind a belly button piercing, or a stud on the side of the nose, like a lot of Indian women have. Those I find attractive.
thrasybulus Normalish.
thrasybulus 1AM is time to go to the club you eldery fuddy duddy.
thrasybulus EuroBiracial, Spanish + French.

JQuickDraw Supporter "What's your type of woman?" "Not obnoxious"
thrasybulus I believe Passport Bros is the term.

Guyinroom83 im also really not into staying out super late. cant stand it

JQuickDraw Supporter "We all saw the thing that may or may not have happened when we weren't seeing it."
thrasybulus Circular Error: Incomplete thought.

JQuickDraw Supporter Quote of the month: "So, I did look into squirting."

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Squirting. Nice

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Shouldn't you both know about that already

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Not making the best choice with your lovers if you haven't squirted

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ or invest in better toys

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ There are also the ones that pee

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ usually drunk and lacking bladder control

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but that is an entirely different fetish
thrasybulus PSA is a prostate lab at the doctor.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds like more experiments need to be done, so we can better understand squirting. I'm willing to donate my time to assist.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It's a gusher kind of event

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It is impressive when a female squirts

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it is unfortunately rare
thrasybulus She's marking her territory.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The visual is impressive

JQuickDraw Supporter There's a lesbian subgenre of porn where one woman squirts onto another woman's face. Or so I've heard. For shame. I mean, really, these people.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ yes. The capability of the body.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Mark your territory
thrasybulus Lift up both legs.
thrasybulus Ginger cookie spraying off camera.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Always good to catch the vagina chat

JQuickDraw Supporter "Good input on the squirting. I appreciate you coming." *wink wink*
thrasybulus "You were there" dementia signs are where you forget them.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Vagina talk clogs the brain

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Programming note. Mention upcoming events before delving in to the depths
thrasybulus 2 hours ahead, @Alex better hurry to catch up.

JQuickDraw Supporter Use astronomical sidereal time.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, don't forget to use the Atlantic accent. It makes announcements easier to understand and remember.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That is also a good visual

JQuickDraw Supporter The Mystery of the Missing Snortgsasm

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Snortgasms are a leading cause of squirting

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Merry Christmas Ladies

RonGreen1 Merry Christmas and gnite all.
thrasybulus The pussy in Alex's face needs to mark territory.

JQuickDraw Supporter Merry Christmas, DimSide Dames
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
Be kind those those you care about. Not just on holidays

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ to

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That works also

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ if they deserve

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it
thrasybulus Scentmarking is perfectly healthy.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ you must have assholes for family too

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hahaha

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am confused on the dates for upcoming streams

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User 9 p.m. ET!

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