Éire is Burning Bright

9 months ago

[Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection]

Intentions and actions are powerful things and on 24th August last, the Irish arm of a group I am involved in, engaged on the day in “lighting a candle with positive intentions for our island and it's people …”. The occasion inspired a poem which I shared within our Éire group on the day. This is now the video version, with many who participated in the candle lighting sending images for inclusion in it, which makes it extra special to me.

Go raibh maith agaibh.

I have placed this poem in the 'Spiritual or Inspirational' collection, which contains 'a range of Heart and Soul (Healing) based rhymes.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems or https://rumble.com/user/Louiseiology

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

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Many thanks,

Poem wording:-

Éire is Burning Bright

We light a candle today
For Éire … the Emerald Isle …
her people .. the world …
We invoke the Divine.

We enlighten all. Here.
Now. In this here time
and from this here place.
Endowing all, with Loving Grace.

We are vibrant, loving
and we represent Éire,
the heart space of the world
and the human race.

For of Éire we belong.
For Éire and the world,
We are emboldened,
we are strong.

Grounded and ignited,
our flame is ‘source light’.
As above, so below … Éire …
is the world’s centre flow.

By flame, all people’s united.
Spirits filled, Grace given.
Éire’s heart is full, vibrant,
not bowed, nor shriven.

We are by heart driven.

So today, we light.
We stand.
We shine.
We ignite.

Éire is burning bright.
For Éire, our homeland
is the Earth’s heart light.

24th August 2023.
Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection.

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