12/22/23 preparing to pray for the judges in 2024.❤️

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12/22/23 sister, Elizabeth dream about judges.

Sister Elizabeth saw inside a church that appeared to represent the church in America that there was a great trial that was beginning. She drew a diagram of this trial, and it explained what is going to happen in the year 2024 and how us Christian should pray .

On the stage of this huge auditorium is a desk with all of the lawyers that will be presenting the cases.

Beside the lawyers are the people that are going to be judged by the judgments given.

In another table are two women who are the accusers that are accusing all of the guilty there could be more, but we can’t see them yet in the spirit.

Behind The three tables that are towards the front of the stage are judges. There are so many it’s impossible to count them all they are the ones that are to commit judgment, but the Lord said many of these judges will be judged their self by the judgments that they give or have not given.

In front of the stage is Christians that are aware of what is going on and watching it all over the world.

Behind this main audience is the rest of the world, for the whole world will be watching this course of judgment that’s occurring in America.

To the side of the Christian audience is the prayer warriors that are praying and interceding, and making sure in the spirit that righteousness is done .

This is the vision that sister Elisabeth seen, and she was among the prayer warriors.

Next I want to call to your attention, a dream that God gave me many many years ago, and I saw a huge sickle coming into the ground it looked like a tree That was barren and just the top of the tree was entering into the ground and the Lord said, “this is my reaper that is going to clean the earth from evil. Then he presented a question to me in my dream, and said, do you want me to go deeper“ I said in my dream yes Lord, go deeper go as deep as you need to go clean all of this evil from our land.“ I believe that this dream is now going to be fulfilled.

Once again, I say, notice the timestamp:
I had a dream 12/22/21 Gifts, Time):
I saw three conveyor belts, which were covered in festively, wrapped presents with bows. The conveyor belts were time. They were coming from a great distance away, which I could not see, from three different directions; but they were all ending up at the same spot, in the year 1943. It seemed so difficult to me, almost impossible, in the dream, that the gifts would end up in the right time, and year. The gifts could be sent to the wrong year; such as 1946, or 1947, or 1952. But, all of the gifts made it to the right year, 1943.

I was suddenly in the year 1945. I saw the three conveyor belts, coming from different directions, ending up at the same place, and covered with festively wrapped gifts, of all sizes. All of the gifts had a designated time to be delivered, in the year 1945. I saw that the calculations that Heaven had to go through to deliver these gifts, in the year 1945, were extremely complex! I was concerned that all of the gifts might not be delivered at the right time; because it seemed almost impossible for the Lord to deliver all of those gifts at the perfect time. But, He calculated the mistakes that people would make, their errors and missteps. He calculated every single variable of man’s obedience, disobedience, and mistakes; to make sure that the gifts would be delivered at the right place and time. It was such a detailed process, and extremely complex and complicated effort, that the Lord went through, to make sure, that the gifts were delivered to the right place and time. I saw that many of these gifts had to do with World War Two. The gifts that the Lord gave, were all carefully planned out; so that not one gift that was scheduled to be delivered was missed.

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