Prophetic Word: SUMMER IS HERE!

6 months ago

Extra scriptures:

Malachi 2:17, Job 11:11, Job 36:7-12, Psalm 10, Psalm 34, Psalm 37, Proverbs 3:7, Proverbs 5:21-23, Jeremiah 2:19, Hosea 7:2

What is "summer" referring to?

To put it briefly, the summer season represents things coming to fruition. Exposure. Reaping of what was sown.

If during the "winter" (a season of cultivation) you obeyed, you did the work you were supposed to do led by God, then in the "summer" you would see spiritual growth. Wisdom, faith, understanding, increase.

If, however, during the "winter" you disobeyed, you would see a lack of growth in the ways of the Lord and instead a growth in carnality. Weeds, so to speak. Whatever was not properly dealt with during the "winter", would only become a greater problem come "summer".

What have you been doing this "winter"? Were you cultivating seeds of obedience? Or sin? Life? Or death?

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