AWK - 12.13.23: Breuer exposes EVIL, PP exposed, MSM removing archives, Etsy, Milei bad? - No Ads!

1 year ago

AWK - 12.13.23: Breuer exposes EVIL, PP exposed, MSM removing archives-too late, Chicago, Etsy, Milei bad? - No Ads!
I like LT a lot from And We Know. I’m a big fan. What I offer here is the latest episode without ads and edited to include only the most important info - IMHO. Enjoy! ;- )
Please follow my channel where I edit my favorite ‘truther’ videos to exclude ads and less important comments/content - IMHO.

Guitwiz Patriots Editing -
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Highlights of This Episode:
33 year old called for mandates is dead

LeBron James sits during National Anthem

Asked if he thought Ukraine would lose war without more U.S. aid, Tommy Tuberville: “I've never thought they can win to begin with."

If No money for Border, No money for Ukraine

Mark Carter - President Trump come to Chicago walk these streets with us and we’ll put thousands behind you

Jim Breuer: “We’re at war…Unfortunately humanity doesn’t believe that evil exists. And boy, does it exist. And you’d be horrified when you realize where they’re all located.”

El Dorado County principal pleads guilty to cybercrimes against a child 

Kash Patel triples down on arresting anyone in the media who broke the law in a conspiracy to rig an election and says we caught them all and that's why they are panicking

If Zelensky spoke truth If he spoke the truth…

13 years of Conservatives ‘reducing immigration’

Hate to break it to you but God only made 2 Genders!

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