Christmas Series "Peace" 12/17/2023

6 months ago

Please note that the peace that Jesus brings is an expression of God’s goodwill toward mankind.
It is God’s way of restoring the peace that was lost when Adam and Eve rebelled in the Garden.
God didn’t have to come to our rescue…man rejected and rebelled against Him…He could have done the same in return…
Yet because He is a God of love, mercy, and grace, He took the initiative in pursuing peace with us…by sending His Son to this earth.
Before Jesus came to this earth, we were at enmity with God…that word means “hostile” … “against,” meaning there was animosity between us and God.
After the fall in the garden our relationship to God was one of animosity…we had made ourselves…enemies of God.
Paul wrote:
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile (at enmity with) to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. (Romans 8:6-7 ESV)
In the flesh we remain enemies of God.
But when Jesus came into this world, He came to rectify the condition of man…
That through Jesus we could be washed clean from our sin…and be justified, sanctified.
And by surrendering to Jesus…we were no longer enemies of God…but made heirs of God’s kingdom.

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