The U.S. position on Gaza is complex and evolving. I call it Genoside?

1 year ago

The U.S. position on Gaza is complex and evolving. The U.S. has been communicating with the Israeli government “at the highest levels” about the importance of protecting civilian lives in Gaza 1. The U.S. has also vetoed a United Nations resolution backed by almost all other Security Council members and dozens of other nations demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza 2. During a Senate hearing, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told lawmakers that the administration’s preference was for the Palestinian Authority to lead Gaza after Hamas’ fall, if possible 3. The U.S. agrees that the Palestinian Authority in its current, weakened state would be unlikely to be able to govern Gaza, but that a “revitalized” PA - including potentially with new leadership entirely - is a plausible solution 4. Public opinion on U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue remains divided along partisan lines, with an increasing majority of Republicans wanting the United States to lean toward Israel, while a declining majority of Democrats wants the United States to lean toward neither side 5.

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