Howard Rand: British Israelism to Christian Identity

1 year ago

Howard Benjamin Rand was an American attorney, inventor, and three-time candidate for the Massachusetts state office for the Prohibition Party, the same party for which William D. Upshaw was affiliated and ran for President. Rand was also the founder of the Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, an organization devoted to spreading British Israelism in the United States and Canada. Key figures in the Latter Rain were affiliated with Howard Rand and his version of British Israelism, including William Branham's campaign manager and founder of Christ for the Nations, Gordon Lindsay. Lindsay spoke at key events for the Anglo-Saxon Federation of America in multiple countries, often as the featured speaker.

Rand was instrumental in the transition between British Israelism and the Christian Identity doctrine, which Branham re-branded as "Serpent's Seed" and spread throughout the Latter Rainrevivals. Branham claimed to have received that doctrine by "divine revelation," though he later admitted that he first encountered it in a church run by white supremacist leader, Roy E. Davis. Rand is credited as having coined the term "Identity" in the Christian Identity movement. He claimed to have been a direct descendant of King David and used this claim to further the notion that Anglo-Saxons were genealogically the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Anglo-Saxon Federation was eventually branded as a white supremacist group.
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