Mastering Self-Awareness of Energy Field Distortions

6 months ago

Developing Self-Awareness of Human Energy Field Distortions
We can learn how to perceive energetic distortions in our energy field and the field of others. Energy reading of the etheric field is an art and a skill. You might be interested in gaining this skill to detect toxic etheric cords or other energy attachments and work with them. These cords can energetically connect you to past experiences, relationships, or belief systems and may indicate that you are restricted by limiting beliefs that need to be released.
The best way to find an energy distortion is to scan your physical body first. Get into a meditative state after placing an energy shield around you. Start focusing on your breath and bringing awareness to each inhale and exhale, beginning to connect with the subtle energy within your body.
Now, scan your physical body, paying attention to any tension or sensations, unpleasant or otherwise. Make a mental note of each sensation. If you have too many unpleasant sensations in your physical body or feel tired all over, try to find out the major areas of concern. Start with one area or one sensation. Quietly scan it without identifying yourself with this sensation or engaging with it. To make that process easier. Place a transparent blue light between yourself and that sensation. Observe it. Start your investigative work now.

#thecausalbody #feminineenergy #masculineenergy #causalbody #energeticdistortions
#ethericbody #energyreading #shorts

Time Stamps:

00:00:00 Cultivating self-awareness
00:00:30 Scan your physical body first
00:01:07 Start with one area or sensation
00:03:36 Examine your energy bodies
00:04:24 Identify where it leads
00:04:35 Determine the chakra
00:05:00 Is formed during previous lifetime
00:05:48 Is it rooted in the aura, meridians, the ethereal body
00:06:00 Meridians are energy pathways
00:06:23 The etheric body is a blueprint for the physical body
00:06:36 The mental and emotional body, the subtle energy bodies
00:06:54 The causal body
00:07:45 Energy center's meditation
00:08:06 Energy cord, vibrational dissonance, subtle shifts

Voice Of The Silence – is about Spiritual Alchemy Healing.

I teach soulful beings how to maintain and protect their energetic integrity and sovereignty. This covers Manifestation Meditation Techniques, Karma and Self-Discovery, and Spiritual and Energy Healing.

I also cover Spiritual and Metaphysical Concepts such as The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Altered States of Consciousness, and Alchemical Transmutation.

I base my videos on Esoteric Knowledge and my own Psychic and Intuitive Abilities. A special area of interest for me is the Human Energy Field and Energy Bodies (Aura, Astral, and Etheric Body and Soul).

I create Meditation, Visualization, Affirmations, Astral Projection, and Mantras videos to help you learn Healing Mind, Body, and Soul using your Intuition and The Sixth Sense as well as Alchemical Transmutation. If you want to Remove Negative Energy I create videos on Energy Clearing, including Breaking Soul Ties and Energy Attachments.


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