Restorative Movement Education

6 months ago

Learn how to release, lengthen and fully relax muscle tension to eliminate pain and improve movement. Gain more voluntary control of chronically tight muscles from a first person perspective, which is the body experienced from the inside out, and how to retain muscle function and fluid movement in a gentle and safe manner. By addressing the feelings and body processes from within, change takes place at the level of the central nervous system, and therefore the results are much more powerful and longer lasting. If you wish to eliminate muscle tension, reduce chronic pain or simply want to improve your breathing, posture, balance and overall performance by moving with a greater self-awareness, this education is for you!

Teresa Ojinma MSc. IHMEP, BSc. Kinesiology
CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist
BCAK Kinesiologist
Certified Essential Somatics Movement Teacher
For more information, visit

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