The Ultimate Annuity Comparison MYGA vs SPIA | 7 Year case study Nov 2023-2030 | 6% Fixed vs 11% CAP

8 months ago

The Ultimate Annuity Comparison MYGA vs SPIA.

How will a Fixed Indexed Annuity compare to a MYGA over time in a high interest rate environment?

7 Year case study Nov 2023-2030 of 2 fixed annuities purchased in November of 2023. A time when interest rates and indexed caps were at or near 20 year highs.

S&P 500 Index
100% Participation Rate
11.00% CAP (guaranteed for 7 year term)
Annual Reset
Annual Point to Point

6.00% Interest Rate (APY)
Compounding Interest

PREMIUM $11,168.00 each.

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