Transformative Loving: Beyond Programming

6 months ago

if you feel inspired by my work please,

What power are we allowing expectations to wield over us?
You know how old those movies have conditioned us females to stop loving a man because he does this or doesn’t do this- that’s called not self-respecting, or you’re not honouring yourself.
“Where is your self-respect? Leave him, don’t put a man in front of you…..”
Remember those things: could you consider that they, like almost everything else in our life could be very clever matrix programs to get us to stop loving and, yes, this investigation contains important information.
What the poor men have had to (and I say poor men, knowingly), have had to experience is trying to be the hero in a dysfunctional world, as they roll against a tide of darkness, trying to be good men and heroes and change things.
But they’re changing it from a broken system, and they are fumbling around in the dark, trying to maintain the pride and the strength that a hero needs.
And to confound them even more, the system, the progressive system, has told us women to stop loving men if they don’t do this and this and this.
And we believe it’s wrong if he stops loving us, to carry on loving him.
It sounds wrong doesn’t it but how about this?
What if the system is wrong?
What if the loving is correct?
What if we have a way as women?
Our true nature is love, -you know this , because it is how we’re able to create another being in our body. We accrue from within and translate energy into physical form.
If our true job , our true power, our superpower is to love and we’re stopping it, what are we doing to ourselves?
What are we doing to the feminine power in the world?
We’re limiting it and we’re following their matrix program.
What if we found a way to love him, even if we receive no love from him?
It’s actually weirdly this simple:

you have to discard the beliefs you hold and

you literally have to command your spirit to give you the feeling of love right now

that’s it

I would suggest use the help of prime creator to put aside, or perhaps investigate those beliefs you have, in order to do the investigation.

All you have to do is set those beliefs aside or clear them out or just for a moment.
Set them aside and experience your command of love into your being
feel it.
It’s that easy
you will feel it downloading through you
love in every part of you,
you will feel the natural expansion as you fill up,
feel it
feel it
hold it
hold it.
You’ll feel it moving out from you into your surroundings.
You can use that energy to enliven and activate, and invigorate all of your surroundings: your home, the people in it, your animals. And you can send it to someone you love even if they are not able to love you back.
This is the true genius of humanity.
This is the miracle stuff we have been so hoodwinked against Today I watched the Barbie movie I’d resisted for a long time.
I watched it with of course, my eyes wide open, looking at the programming.
It is fascinating, and it brought me to this investigation.
Today brought me to a new expansive place of loving
into more of my true feminine God given spirit power

Here are the main points:

Freedom is, no necessity of anyone else to do anything : this is the unconditional Love

When you operate beyond expectation-structures you operate from love

I can feel the bubbles of love moving up through my solar plexus

We have to operate on freedom if we want to create freedom

I command my spirit to show me, to give me Love.
And down it poured

I see how far I can fly with this love, as I charge every cell of my body, every thought, every object in my room, my cat, my whole house, my partner….

And then I hit a boulder …a feeling of scarcity of love
I investigate the fear which has cropped up

I use the BIG leather book ( from my soul room ) to discover what this ancient feeling stop sign IS
What is it telling me
What does it mean
Where did it come from

I read about Jesus Christ/ Jeshua, how he operated with love
I explain the story of the feeding of the five thousand

I ask questions regarding my love
The flow of love between us

I investigate deep into my fear of loving without reciprocation

I examine my ‘conditioning marks’ and experience this temporarily removed so that I can experience what it feels like when I no longer have this fear.

I explain how my unusual relationship affords me a way to explore the nature of human love

Such as, “the woman is the capacitor of love”

“She” is the bubbling spring, which awakens him to the mysteries of love and if the spring stops bubbling he in his dryness from activity in the (topsy turvy) world, forgets the love

Reference Nicoleta Bot’s Femininity video:

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