The Way of Peace

9 months ago

The Middle East today is a chaotic mess of hatred and violence. But the way of peace was briefly restored to the region back in 1981—until terrorists assassinated the Egyptian president because he pursued peace. Learn how his courageous attempt to achieve peace teaches vital lessons about your life and future.


Muslims, Jews, and Christians living together in harmony. This was the vision behind a proposed world peace center at the base of Mt. Sinai.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Way of Peace Restored Momentarily to understand the Earth-shaking strides toward peace of one brave Muslim leader in the 1970s and 1980s. He defied the murderous intentions of the terrorists to establish brotherhood with the Jews. And he paid for this lofty goal with his life.

The proposed world peace center was no ordinary overture to pacifism. This unprecedented project was mediated by a unique man, called by many an unofficial ambassador for world peace: humanitarian, educator, and theologian Herbert W. Armstrong.

Study The Way of Peace Restored Momentarily to learn why the human leader of God’s one true Church got involved in a peace plan between the Jews and one courageous Muslim. You can prove that the world peace center was an ambitious undertaking supported by God Himself—even though it ultimately failed.

Discover the true significance of the world peace center as a stunning example of the only way of peace—and sobering proof that peace cannot be achieved until something within human beings changes. Very soon, the necessary change in human nature will be completed, and the way of peace will be restored—not momentarily, but permanently.

Also request our free booklet The Ten Commandments. God created the physical laws that govern the Earth and the universe. He also created a set of spiritual laws that is just as binding. Keep these laws to be blessed. Break these laws, and they will break you.

There is a definite cause for every effect. Failure to achieve peace in the Middle East traces back to the failure to keep certain laws that determine the right way to live.

Study The Ten Commandments to prove how just 10 all-encompassing spiritual laws of God would solve all world problems and bring us the lasting peace we all desire.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet No Freedom Without Law. In modern society, lawlessness is equated with freedom. But look around. Do you feel free when crime and abuse are rampant? Learn the time-honored truth that there can be no freedom without law—especially God’s perfect, holy law.

All literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Way of Peace Restored Momentarily, The Ten Commandments, and No Freedom Without Law. Order now!

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