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Doctors hanged for violating informed consent: COVID broke Nuremberg Code - Dr Bret Weinstein

1 year ago

7 doctors hanged in 1947 for violating informed consent: COVID has broken the Nuremberg Code

- Dr Bret Weinstein
- Dr Heather Heying


  • 0/2000
  • Unfortunately Ivermectin is bashed by main stream media and genocide doctors. They make false claims like it doesn't work preventing and overcoming covid and flu symptoms. It has been proven over and over again that it works by peer reviewed medical studies. Why do you think Australia banned ivermectin just after it has been found effective? Why the most populated country in the world(India) don't have high cases and death numbers? Because they gave away IVM to their people. In Mexico, where no restriction has applied to anyone since the plandemic started, they gave people covid recovery kit that includes ivermectin tablets. Whereas here we are in USA are blocked from accessing this wonder drug. You can order it from overseas by visiting getmeivm.com

  • the same punishment must apply. crimes against humanity must never be given mercy. I advocate for the brazen bull as method of deleting a nazi doctor.