Trump Warns Biden about his Anti-Vax Theories

6 months ago

Trump: "I'm calling on Biden to stop promoting his Anti-Vaccine Theories, because all they are doing is hurting the importance of what we are doing. They recklessly endangering lives."

Oh, how quick people are to forget that Trump is the one who pushed for these vaccines. He is the leader of the wolf pack of Schwab trained puppets around the world.

Trump said "the importance of what we're doing." What do you think is so important? Saving our Lives from Vaccines? BULLSHIT, Trump is on record back in the 80's saying he doesn't believe in Vaccines and he knows 100% what they do.

Stop falling for his lies.

*Notice that Trump is reading from a SCRIPT. Doing what a good Goyim should.

Also, keep this in mind: Robert Kennedy Jr. said that Pfizer paid Trump $ Millions to promote their vaccine.

As soon as Trump left office he went to his handlers to collect $$$.

As a commenter AEtherEMP says: "Create the Chaos and then control BOTH sides."

Trump is definitely a BANKERS Puppet, 100%, NO Doubt. His handler is the Rothschild employee Wilbur Ross. There is a Sting Operation and that is called The Covid-19 Pandemic.

He has half the world entranced with the conspiracy theory that he is the leader of this movement, this special "sting" operation, that will capture the deep state.

WTFU! No, no, no, no!!

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