Skyrim Legendary Edition CTD When Loading A Game #wide

1 year ago

Hello fellow Rumblers! I'm here with a short video about something related to gaming that I found kinda interesting enough to share to all of you. (Play your favorite PC game on an Alienware Aurora R15 Gaming Desktop With Intel 13th Gen » #affiliate)


Skyrim is one of the games I play when I can't think of any other games to play and, recently, I've started re-playing a modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game. Because it's a modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game, crashing to desktop is something that happens from time to time.

Today, while trying to play my modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game, it would crash to desktop whenever I try to load a saved game. I tried loading a few other saved games but the same thing happened. My modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game would crash to desktop everytime.

I was not entirely sure why it was happening. The last time I played, I did not encounter any problems loading a saved game. The only thing that changed was, I installed a Skyrim Legendary Edition mod called Mystery Hatch LE. Unfortunately, removing the mod did not fix the problem. My modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game was still crashing to desktop.

To find a fix to my problem, I turned to using the good old internet search feature and my internet search led me to a Skyrim Legendary Edition mod called Load Game CTD Fix. The mod's description page had walls of text on it and, from how I understood the description, it fixes the problem of a modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game from crashing to desktop while loading a saved game.

I downloaded the Skyrim Legendary Edition mod, Load Game CTD Fix, and installed it on my modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game through Mod Organizer 2. Running the game through SKSE in Mod Organizer 2, I loaded a saved game file and, amazingly, my modded Skyrim Legendary Edition did not crash to desktop. I played for a little over an hour and the game did not crash to desktop once.

Either my modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game just decided to not crash to desktop anymore or the Skyrim Legendary Edition mod, Load Game CTD Fix, stopped my modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game from crashing to desktop when trying to load a saved game.

In any case, if you have a modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game that is crashing to desktop whenever you load a saved game then maybe, just maybe, the Skryim Legendary Edition mod, Load Game CTD Fix, is the one you need. Install Load Game CTD Fix to your modded Skyrim Legendary Edition game through Mod Organizer 2.


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#skyrim #skyrimlegendaryedition #skyrimle

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