The IDF announces that it has established full “operational control” over Gaza City’s

7 months ago

The IDF announces that it has established full “operational control” over Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, which saw some of the fiercest fighting during the ground offensive against Hamas.

In a statement, the IDF says the 36th Division has completed dismantling Hamas’s “core capabilities” in Shejaiya.

It says that while it has operational control, troops will continue to carry out limited operations in the neighborhood to destroy the remaining Hamas infrastructure and kill any operatives still hiding.

During the fighting in Shejaiya, the IDF says troops encountered and killed many Hamas operatives who opened fire and set off explosives. It says dozens of tunnel shafts, found in homes, schools, and health clinics, were destroyed, along with caches of weapons.

The IDF says troops of the Golani Brigade raided the homes of senior Hamas members and seized intelligence materials in Shejaiya, and the 188th Armored Brigade captured the headquarters of Hamas’s Shejaiya battalion, from which terrorists set out to carry out the October 7 onslaught in southern Israel.

The Paratroopers Brigade, meanwhile, demolished more than 100 buildings used by Hamas in the area, as well as located dozens of tunnel shafts, and arrested many operatives who had surrendered, among them a Hamas company commander and terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacres, the IDF says.

The Bislamach Brigade also demolished a number of buildings used by Hamas, the IDF adds.

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