ep. 515 - Flattened Out

11 months ago

It has been weeks and weeks of deep research, so this week Kurt and Rocco go back to a formerly touched on topic... flat earth. More specifically they talk about a documentary style video Kurt watched that supposedly proves the idea - spoiler alert, it really doesn't.

As always you can contact us at podcast@primitiveintelligence.com


- Level With Me - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR47TRmLqcc
- ep. 402 - Flat Earth: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7oxgXROzmmjgHtF00lYbsx?si=wwtIfAc2QOaXeWhNYfPRBQ
- Origin of "Together": https://www.etymonline.com/word/together


Track: "Smoke Mirrors", Shryne
Music provided by https://Slip.stream
Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/apTpbT

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