Biden's Latest Mangle-Pander Must Be Seen To Be Believed

9 months ago

Presidentish Joe Biden was in Milwaukee on Wednesday, doing that thing he's always done, which is to use his inexplicably long political career to remind his audience of the connection he's had with them during his inexplicably long political career. He also did that thing he increasingly does where he tries to use an expression or idiom that everybody knows but that nobody has heard say it the way Biden just did. Sometimes, the word salad is so thoroughly tossed that you'd swear somebody put his brain on Shuffle. Speaking to the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Congress, Biden boasted of his long-term connection with black voters. "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country," he said, referring to Pennsylvania, where he never ran for office, "and as they say the saying goes where I come, you dance with the one that brung ya."

I'm kidding. He didn't say quite that. The first two-thirds were an exact quote and made sense, except for the part where Biden said, "As they say the saying goes," and then also the part where he somehow forgot to say the "from" in "where I come from." Who does that, anyway? Regardless, let's give Biden credit for mangling the English language just those two times in the 10 words in the middle of the sentence. But then there's the thing Biden did to the last third of his mangle-pander… What Biden actually said was, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

• More at: PJ Media - Biden's Latest Mangle-Pander Must Be Seen to Be Believed

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