Steve D. Sims: The common thread all successful people have that you can embody to achieve greatness

1 year ago

David Pasqualone: "You're a man who's had a remarkable life, been around remarkable humans. I could be missing a huge opportunity as a host of this show, responsible not for, but to people all over the world, 120 plus countries, and you know, who knows how many tens of thousands of people, right? What question should I be asking you right now that's going to be able to translate from you to our listeners ears and impact their lives?"

Steve D. Sims: "Wow. So I went out on a journey to meet remarkable people because the people that I was surrounding myself were not. aNd I found a few things that it didn't matter whether I was in Japan or Hawaii, Los Angeles, London, Frankfurt Vietnam, wherever. I've, I've traveled the planet several times and want to keep doing it. And I've noticed that there's been a common thread within all of these successful people. For one, ..."

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Steven D. Sims: A common thread within all successful people around the world | Remarkable People Podcast Episode 906

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