The Inner Work: Intuitive Healing Arts

8 months ago

We have an incredible energetic potential to heal ourselves.
We are creators by nature and have internal resources to heal. We also have tools to help us on that journey. We can reconnect with ourselves through meditation, visualization, mantras, and psychic abilities. I will give you practical suggestions how to put healing into practice at the end of the video.

#intuitivearthealing #intuitiveart #mindfulsouls #clairsenses #soulalchemy #placewithin #intuitivehealing #intuitivereading #powerwithin #powertoheal

Time Stamps

00:00:00 We have an incredible energetic potential to heal ourselves.
00:00:20 I will give you practical suggestions how to put healing into practice at the end of the video.
00:00:28 When we find a place within to practice energy healing magic happens.
00:00:58 Intuitive healing draws on the energy you already carry in your body.
00:01:15 This intimate self-knowledge helps us understand the cause of our suffering and the remedy.
00:01:28 Healing is a process and a journey.
00:01:43 This healing process starts with understanding where we are out of balance.
00:01:58 Once you identify negative emotions you can move to the next step.
00:02:05 The second step in this healing process
00:02:26 The first step into the direction of finding joy again
00:02:50 Keep reconnecting with your essence daily.
00:03:14 Healing journey steps heal your mind, body, and Soul.
00:03:19 How Do You Put Healing Into Practice?
00:07:05 Healing mind, body and Soul is a cornerstone of our health and wellbeing.

Voice Of The Silence – is about Spiritual Alchemy Healing

I teach soulful beings how to maintain and protect their energetic integrity and sovereignty. This covers Manifestation Meditation Techniques, Karma and Self-Discovery, and Spiritual and Energy Healing.

I also cover Spiritual and Metaphysical Concepts such as The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Altered States of Consciousness, and Alchemical Transmutation.

I base my videos on Esoteric Knowledge and my own Psychic and Intuitive Abilities. A special area of interest for me is the Human Energy Field and Energy Bodies (Aura, Astral, and Etheric Body and Soul).

I create Meditation, Visualization, Affirmations, Astral Projection, and Mantras videos to help you learn Healing Mind, Body, and Soul using your Intuition and The Sixth Sense as well as Alchemical Transmutation. If you want to Remove Negative Energy I create videos on Energy Clearing, including Breaking Soul Ties and Energy Attachments.

Thank you for visiting.

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