D-Day for the Globalist - The 6th Seal from the Book of Revelation

5 months ago

This is my Christmas message based upon the Book of Revelation 6:12. You have my permission to copy, share, and distribute this video to everyone you know before it’s too late.

5 Seals of the Book of Revelation have been opened. You will learn what will happen once the 6th Seal is revealed. Who will open this 6th Seal? Who will this affect? What will the Earth encounter once that 6th Seal is broken? Will this usher in a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT but not for reasons you might suspect? Why was CHRIST born? If God is so powerful and mighty then why does He allow so much injustice in the world? What will happen to God's people once the 6th Seal is broken and read?

As an ordained minister of the Gospel and a Bachelors of Theology for over 30 years, I have preached thousands of messages both here and abroad, I have read the scriptures hundreds of times from Cover to Cover, but I dare say that this sermon will be the most important delivery of my entire ministry. God has called me to produce this powerful message that you won't want to miss.

I believe the Bible teaches that the first 5 seals of God's Judgment have been released upon the Earth. Yes friends, the term BLACK PILL is in my opinion a Biblical Teaching. I will in this video share with you as to why I believe that Revelation 6:9 is telling us that America the Moral, America the Proud, America the Strong has been defeated by the true Enemy of God.....you need to watch this message and understand that D Day for the Globalist is coming very soon. While there may be no turning this Country around at this point, we can certainly take joy in the fact that our Redemption is coming to a full and visible completion.

Anyone who doubts that America is not a terrorist organization who commits genocide and war crimes against civilian targets along with Israel has their heads in the sand. BTW...Russia all by itself has not only defeated Ukraine but ALL NATO countries....with a simple ground battle. Slow and Steady. America is no longer a SUPER POWER, We are no longer number 1. I would say we are number 4 behind Russia, China and Iran and just as soon as the dollar collapses we will be somewhere near Zimbabwe where ever they are on the list of dominance? Yes that is a statement of FACT not a statement of anti Patriotic rhetoric. If you knew me you would know that I am far from ANTI-AMERICAN....but I will conclude with this statement....I am however, Anti-EVIL nation state and AMERICA is most certainly that. I personally believe the 7 heads represented in Revelation 13 are speaking of the 6 ancient empires that all HATED GOD, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are all illustrated by the imaginary by Daniel with the leopard, the lion, the bear and the confluence of them all into the last beast. The seven heads are the seven world-kingdom hostiles toward God and to his people, namely, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and a seventh to arise at a future time after Revelation was written which I believe is AMERICA.

That 7th unnamed empire that will fall and is mentioned in Biblical prophecy is the United States. Come to your own conclusions if you will but one thing is for sure anyone who has even walked by a Bible in their life can certainly agree that the 10 Commandments are no longer being followed by the United States of America.

May God be glorified and exalted above all the earth.

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