Edit Stitches in Emb. Enthusiast, Program Multi-Needle, Save Time on DBJJ's Fall Table Runner Blocks

3 years ago

The technique in this video will work on the single and multi-needle machines. I will show how to move the two border blocks farther apart so they stitch at the same time and minimize my time at the machine. I'm using Embrilliance Enthusiast to edit the stitches and then color sort to cut thread color changes in half!

DESIGNS BY JUJU FALL TABLE RUNNER - https://www.designsbyjuju.com/in-the-hoop

PELLON SF 101 - https://www.walmart.com/search?q=pellon+sf101&typeahead=Pellon+sf

â–ºGet Embrilliance Embroidery Software Here - https://bit.ly/3j8aKej

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